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Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s Defense Amid Controversy Over Alternative Therapy Endorsement

Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently ignited a heated online debate following her suggestion of hydrogen peroxide nebulization as an alternative therapy for viral infections. The actress posted a picture of herself undergoing the treatment, which led to a barrage of criticism from both medical professionals and the public. One vocal critic, Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips, also known as “The Liver Doc,” accused her of promoting “dangerous medical practices.”

Samantha’s social media post caught the attention of Dr. Philips, who vehemently criticized the use of hydrogen peroxide nebulization, stating that it has been proven to have adverse effects on health. He did not hold back in his admonishment, labeling the actress as “health and science illiterate” and going as far as to suggest imprisoning her for endangering public health. In response to this intense public scrutiny, Samantha has now issued a clarifying statement defending her intentions and actions.

In a detailed post on her official social media account, Samantha Ruth Prabhu explained her reasoning and background for advocating the alternative therapy. She began by recounting her personal struggles over the past few years, mentioning that she had tried a variety of treatments and medications under the guidance of highly qualified professionals. “I’ve had to take many different types of medicines. I’ve tried everything I was strongly advised to take,” she wrote, emphasizing the extensive self-research she undertook despite being a layperson.

Samantha touched upon the financial aspect of medical treatments, stating that many of the conventional treatments she underwent were extremely expensive. She expressed empathy for those who cannot afford such treatments, suggesting that the high costs often put them out of reach for many. She acknowledged that while conventional treatments were not fully effective for her, they might very well work for others who have access to them.

Addressing Dr. Philips’ attacks directly, Samantha stated, “I am not naive enough to go about strongly advocating a treatment.” She clarified that her intention was merely to suggest an alternative therapy based on her own experience, particularly for those who may find conventional treatments financially draining. She reiterated that she does not personally endorse any treatments but shared her experience in the hopes of offering another viable option for those in need. She also pointed out that the treatment she suggested was recommended to her by a highly qualified doctor who has served at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) for 25 years.

Regarding the harsh words used by Dr.

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. Philips, Samantha expressed her disappointment, acknowledging that while he likely had more medical knowledge, his approach could have been more compassionate. “It would have been kind and compassionate of him had he not been so provocative with his words. Especially the bit where he suggests I should be thrown in prison,” she remarked. She added that such criticisms might be part and parcel of the territory of being a celebrity, but maintained that her post was meant to be helpful and not harmful.

She stressed that she shared the information from the perspective of someone who needs medical treatments and not as a public figure seeking to profit from endorsements. “I certainly am not making any money from the post nor endorsing anyone. I was merely suggesting a treatment as an option after undergoing it myself, for others who may be looking for options because conventional medicine isn’t working for them. Especially more affordable options,” Samantha elaborated.

In his counter-response, Dr. Philips highlighted the potential risks associated with hydrogen peroxide nebulization, sharing his concerns on Twitter. “Influential Indian actress Ms Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who is, unfortunately, a health and science illiterate, advises millions of her followers to inhale hydrogen peroxide to prevent and treat respiratory viral infections. Scientific society, The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, warns people to not nebulize and breathe in hydrogen peroxide because it is dangerous for health,” he wrote.

Dr. Philips further argued that Samantha’s actions could be deemed punishable in a scientifically progressive society, suggesting she should be fined or imprisoned for endangering public health. “She needs help or a better advisor in her team,” he concluded.

Despite Samantha’s clarifications, the controversy continues to divide public opinion. While some fans support the actress and her intentions, others align with Dr. Philips, criticizing her for what they perceive as irresponsible behavior.

The debate underscores the broader issue of public figures endorsing medical treatments and the responsibilities that come with such influence. It also brings to light the challenges faced by those seeking medical alternatives due to financial constraints or ineffectiveness of conventional treatments. The controversy serves as a reminder of the need for careful consideration and professional guidance in matters of health and well-being.