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Bengaluru to Host “Ek Actor Ki Maut” – A Conversation Between Stage and Screen

The dynamic landscape of theatre in Bengaluru is set to be enriched with a compelling new production. The Kathputliyan Theatre Group (KTG) is gearing up to present “Ek Actor Ki Maut,” a thought-provoking play that dissects the life and struggles of actors within the domain of performing arts. The Hindi adaptation of this originally Croatian play penned by Miro Gavran has been crafted by Saurabh Srivastava, bringing a local sensibility to its universal themes.

At the heart of this intense drama are two contrasting characters, Akshay and Ira, who find themselves linked by more than just their profession. While Akshay represents the archetypal struggling actor, aspiring for a break, Ira stands on the opposite end of the spectrum, boasting an illustrious four-decade career in the industry. The narrative evolves as these two characters, stemming from disparate acting worlds, come together for a charity event and delve into deep discussions about their art, careers, and personal lives.

In the wings of Alliance Francaise, theatre actor, director, and playwright Zafer Mohiuddin, who steers the direction for this play, explained the synergy and discord between the protagonists, highlighting the bond that develops during their rehearsal process. When Akshay extends an invitation to Ira to perform in a play, it sets the stage for exploring Ira’s undying passion for theatre.

The role of Akshay is portrayed by Mohiuddin himself, while the experienced Kavita Agarwal steps into the shoes of Ira. Beyond its storyline, “Ek Actor Ki Maut” draws attention to a broader conversation between different mediums – theatre, film, and television – and how many artists, even those trained in esteemed institutions like the National School of Drama, view theatre as merely a stepping stone to cinematic endeavors.

Mohiuddin, with a background in architecture, found his true calling in the realm of theatre and has been unwavering in his commitment to the craft since he first established Kathputaliyaan Theatre Group in 1979. Over the years, even with opportunities and forays into voiceovers, advertisements, and films, his allegiance to theatre remained unshaken.

Through this new venture, Mohiuddin dissects the life of an actor, culminating in a powerful statement – the death of an actor occurs not upon their physical demise, but with their final exit from the stage. This abstraction caught Mohiuddin’s attention during his visit to the National School of Drama, whereupon discovering the play amidst 20 others, he swiftly sought authorization from Gavran to breathe life into its Hindi adaptation.

This production eschews stylistic embellishments, focusing instead on the potency of dialogue interwoven with pregnant silences – elements that contribute significantly to the play’s gravity. “Ek Actor Ki Maut” had its initial performance before a select audience, marking a momentous first public showcase lined up in the city’s cultural calendar.

Kavita Agarwal, accompanying Kathputliyan for the past three years, and a veteran of other theatre groups, brings a rich repository of experiences to the presentation. Her role promises to deliver the emotional depths and nuanced performance that the script demands.

The excitement is tangible as “Ek Actor Ki Maut” prepares to take the stage at Jagriti, Whitefield, on March 24. Theater enthusiasts can join the experience, with showings slated for 3:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Those wishing to partake in this exploration of artistry and emotion can secure their tickets on BookMyShow, signaling a significant date for the city’s vibrant theatrical community.