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“Crew” Takes Flight at the Box Office: Strong Continuation Through Day 4

As the cinematic landscape buzzes with new releases, one film has captured audiences around the world with its unique charm and humor. “Crew”, a stellar comedy featuring Bollywood heavyweights Kareena Kapoor, Tabu, and Kriti Sanon, has continued its impressive box office journey through Day 4, bringing in laughs, accolades, and remarkable earnings.

The film takes flight with three badass air hostesses played by the leading ladies, weaving a narrative that combines high-flying antics with a grounded story about aspirations and camaraderie. It is not just a visual spectacle but also strikes a chord with its refreshing approach to women-centric themes in the comedy genre.

The numbers speak for the film’s soaring success. On its fourth day since hitting the theaters, “Crew” has added a substantial 4.52 Cr. India Net and 8.20 Cr. gross worldwide to its already impressive kitty. The global tally now stands at a whopping 70.73 Cr., asserting the film’s stronghold at the box office.

The grandeur of these numbers was anticipated right from the movie’s opening day, which saw “Crew” make history with stellar earnings of 10.28 Cr. India Net and 20.07 Cr. Gross worldwide. This benchmark set the pace for an enticing box office journey, leading to consistent growth through the first weekend with 10.87 Cr. on Saturday and 11.45 Cr. on Sunday. It’s rare for films to maintain such momentum post-weekend, but “Crew” defies the odds, cruising through its first Monday with undiminished zest.

Much of the credit for the film’s triumph goes to the director, Rajesh A. Krishnan, who managed to capture the essence of the story and the spirit of its characters, resulting in an engaging cinematic experience. The success of “Crew” lies not just in its numbers but also in the critical praise for its lead actresses who have created a buzz with their performances.

Kriti Sanon, during the trailer launch, shared her enthralling experience of working on a film that centers around women, a rarity in an industry where she often found herself in male-dominated ensembles. She highlighted the shared admiration among the cast members, praising each for their distinct skills and the continuous evolution of their crafts.

Dispelling common myths tied to women-led narratives, Kriti opened up about “Crew” breaking the mold of the typical serious tones and male-centric satire often associated with such films. Instead, she points out, the movie is a testament to the fact that women excel in comedic roles, and it is this very dynamic and chemistry among the three protagonists that the audience has come to enjoy.

The film cements its identity as a celebration of women’s potential in the cinematic comedy realm without resorting to the trope of male bashing, choosing instead to build its humor on the strength and vibrancy of the characters’ relationships.

“Crew” is brought to the audience by Balaji Telefilms and Anil Kapoor Film & Communications Network, a collaboration that showcases confidence in the narrative’s appeal and potential. The movie is an invitation to be part of a comedic adventure that soars beyond the confines of genre expectations.

The film’s successful stint at the box office is set to spark conversations about the evolving landscape of female-led films in India and globally, signaling a positive trend of recognition and appreciation for stories that offer different perspectives and entertainment.

In conclusion, as “Crew” navigates its first week with high spirits and high earnings, it’s a reminder of the film industry’s potential for diversity in storytelling and its resonance with audiences regardless of gender. With its remarkable fusion of humor, heart, and a powerful female ensemble, “Crew” is not just a movie to watch, but an experience to savor, a journey where belly laughs and box office records are collected in equal measure.