New Delhi: Actor-producer Nikhil Dwivedi has certainly created a buzz with his previous film, CTRL. He is now gearing up for his next project and has already generated excitement by sharing a picture of the script of his next film Nagin, a Saket Chaudhary directorial.
Nikhil Dwivedi took to his social media to share a glimpse of the script for his upcoming film, Nagin. “मकर संक्रांति & Finally..”, he wrote.
CTRL, the thriller produced by Nikhil Dwivedi, received immense love and praise from both audiences and critics alike. Starring Ananya Panday and Vihaan Samat, CTRL was hailed as “India’s Black Mirror.”
No other detail about Nagin has been made so far.
Nikhil Dwivedi took to his social media to share a glimpse of the script for his upcoming film, Nagin. “मकर संक्रांति & Finally..”, he wrote.
CTRL, the thriller produced by Nikhil Dwivedi, received immense love and praise from both audiences and critics alike. Starring Ananya Panday and Vihaan Samat, CTRL was hailed as “India’s Black Mirror.”
No other detail about Nagin has been made so far.
CTRL, the thriller produced by Nikhil Dwivedi, received immense love and praise from both audiences and critics alike. Starring Ananya Panday and Vihaan Samat, CTRL was hailed as “India’s Black Mirror.”
No other detail about Nagin has been made so far.
CTRL, the thriller produced by Nikhil Dwivedi, received immense love and praise from both audiences and critics alike. Starring Ananya Panday and Vihaan Samat, CTRL was hailed as “India’s Black Mirror.”
No other detail about Nagin has been made so far.
No other detail about Nagin has been made so far.