Actor and director Dhanush delighted fans this Pongal by unveiling two stunning new posters from his upcoming film Idli Kadai. The movie, his fourth directorial venture, is set to release in April 2025 and stars Nithya Menen alongside Dhanush himself.
One poster features Dhanush looking into the distance against a serene backdrop, while the other shows a tender moment between him and co-star Nithya Menen. The visuals have generated quiet curiosity about the movie’s setting and story.
Happy pongal ❤️❤️
Announced in September 2024, Idli Kadai — which translates to “idli shop” — is described as a film rooted in simplicity. The initial teaser poster depicted a rustic roadside shack under a starry sky, with characters positioned in and around the shop. Nithya Menen officially joined the cast in October, marking her second collaboration with Dhanush after their work in Thiruchitrambalam.
Dhanush, who was last seen in Raayan, is currently juggling multiple projects. These include Kubera, directed by Sekhar Kammula, co-starring Rashmika Mandanna and Akkineni Nagarjuna, as well as an upcoming film with director Vetri Maaran.
Published – January 14, 2025 10:59 am IST
Tamil cinema
Indian cinema