Former India cricketers Harbhajan Singh, Yuvraj Singh, and Suresh Raina are under fire after a video surfaced showing them limping and holding their backs humorously, all set to the popular Bollywood track “Tauba Tauba.” The video, initially posted on Instagram by Harbhajan Singh, has sparked outrage, with many accusing the cricketers of mocking disabled people. Following a deluge of criticism, Harbhajan Singh felt compelled to remove the video from his social media account.
Arman Ali, the executive director of the National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP), took the matter a step further by filing a police complaint against the three cricketers. Ravi Chauhan, head of the Differently Abled Cricket Council of India (DCCI), also engaged directly with Harbhajan Singh to discuss the repercussions of the video and its unfavourable reception.
“I had myself spoken to Bhajji paaji after the video was uploaded and told him about possible consequences. Harbhajan understood the seriousness and kept his promise by deleting the video. I know him and understand that there was no intention to mock any physically challenged person, but in this day and age of social media, it would always become a sensitive issue,” said Chauhan, emphasizing the unintended yet harmful impact of the video.
Among those who expressed their disapproval in strong terms was World Championship gold-medallist para shuttler Manasi Joshi. She argued that such videos could cause significant psychological harm, particularly to disabled children. “You don’t know how much harm your behaviour can do and the appreciation you are getting from the people around, it’s appalling to see. Wanted more responsibility from stars that you all are. Please, do not mock at the gait patterns of people with disabilities,” Joshi noted.
Expounding on the broader societal implications, Joshi added, “This isn’t funny. This reel of yours is going to encourage that it is okay to make fun of the walking patterns of people with disabilities for a few laughs. More young children with disabilities will be bullied by using this reel.”
Following an uproar on various social media platforms, Harbhajan Singh took to Twitter on Monday evening to issue a statement clarifying his intentions.
. According to Harbhajan, the trio did not aim to demean or mock disabled individuals. Instead, they were merely attempting to humorously depict the toll that continuous cricket matches, like those in the WCL 2024, had taken on their bodies.
“Just wanted to clear to our people who are complaining about our recent videos of ‘Tauba Tauba’ on social media after winning the championship here in England. We didn’t want to hurt anyone’s sentiments. We respect every individual and community and this video was just to reflect to our bodies after playing continuous cricket for 15 days. SORE bodies,” Harbhajan explained.
Harbhajan further reiterated that the video was meant for light-hearted fun among friends and was not created with any offensive or derogatory intent toward any group of people. “We are not trying to insult or offend anyone. Still, if people think we have done something wrong, all I can say from my side is SORRY to everyone. Please, let’s stop this here and move forward. Stay happy and healthy,” he continued.
This incident highlights the thin line public figures must tread in the age of social media, where content intended as harmless fun can quickly be interpreted otherwise and lead to significant backlash. The responsibility that comes with immense social media followings is evident, reminding stars and influencers of their influence and the sensitivity required when sharing content.
The video controversy serves as a poignant example of how behaviors and actions intended purely for entertainment can have far-reaching consequences, particularly for marginalized groups. As the debate continues, it also sheds light on the ongoing need for greater empathy, responsibility, and awareness, especially from public personalities who wield significant influence over their audience.
With Harbhajan Singh’s public apology and the video’s removal, it’s evident that the cricketers have acknowledged the inadvertent distress caused and are eager to move past the controversy. However, the incident has undoubtedly sparked an essential dialogue on the responsible use of social media and the imperative to avoid content that could be construed as offensive, even unintentionally.