The Delhi Police have issued an extensive traffic advisory in anticipation of Tazia processions set to take place across the capital city on the occasion of Muharram. The advisory, released on Monday, indicates that Muharram will be observed in the capital on Tuesday and Wednesday, with hundreds of devotees expected to participate in various processions.
According to the official advisory, the first major procession will commence at 9 PM on Tuesday from Chhatta Shahzad in Kalan Mahal, then weave through Kamra Bangash, Chitli Qabar, Churi Walan, Matia Mahal, Jama Masjid, Chawri Bazar, and Hauz Qazi, before retracing its steps back along the same route. Another significant procession will begin at the Old Police Chowki in Ashok Basti, from there moving through Qutub Road, Khari Baoli, Lal Kuan, Hauz Qazi, Chawri Bazar, and Jama Masjid, before also returning back along the reverse route.
Additionally, Tazia processions from Nizamuddin, Okhla, and Mehrauli will proceed directly to Karbala, as per the advisory. Separate processions are scheduled to take place in multiple districts including East, Northeast, Shahdara, Northwest, Southeast, South, and West Delhi.
On Wednesday at 11 AM, the processions will regroup, following their previous routes, and will assemble at Kalan Mahal before proceeding towards Karbala in Jor Bagh. The advisory has emphasized that residents and visitors should anticipate significant traffic disruptions across various parts of the city during these times.
In response to the planned processions, several adjustments to bus routes have been outlined. Buses traveling via Desh Bandhu Gupta Road toward Ajmeri Gate will halt at Aram Bagh and head back through Chitragupta Road and Paharganj. Similarly, buses heading to New Delhi railway station will also be stopped at Aram Bagh. Those bound for Connaught Place and Central Secretariat will be rerouted via Rani Jhansi Road, Mandir Marg, Park Street, terminating at Udhyan Marg, before returning via Kali Bari Marg.
Furthermore, buses coming from East and Central districts toward Connaught Place and Central Secretariat will divert to Sikandra Road, with their trips terminating at Mandi House. For their return journey, these buses will take the route of Bhagwan Dass Road and Tilak Marg.
. Buses traveling on Tughlaq Road, bound for Central Secretariat and Connaught Place, will be redirected on Prithviraj Road, Q-Point, Man Singh Road, and Maulana Azad Road, with their trips ending opposite Vigyan Bhawan, and will return via Janpath.
In addition to these bus route changes, the advisory warns of potential traffic disruptions on several crucial roads, including Mathura Road, Ma Anandmayee Marg, Mehrauli-Badarpur Road, Road No. 56 (opposite Anand Vihar terminal), Pankha Road, Najafgarh Road from Zakhira to Kishanganj, among others. These disruptions are anticipated due to local processions coinciding with the Mahruram observances.
As a precaution, commuters planning to visit the New Delhi railway station on Wednesday evening are advised to leave well in advance and avoid Connaught Place. Instead, they should opt for routes via Ajmeri Gate, Tilak Marg, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, or Rajghat and Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, depending on the location of the processions at the time.
Traffic regulations will be strictly enforced on several key roads including Jama Masjid Road, Chawri Bazar Road, Ajmeri Gate Road, Asaf Ali Road, Panchkuian Road, and the Outer Circle of Connaught Place. Other affected roads include the Rafi Marg, Krishna Menon Marg, Aurobindo Marg, Motilal Nehru Marg, Barakhamba Road, Janpath, Sansad Marg, Tughlaq Road, Ashoka Road, K.G. Marg, Lodhi Road, and Jor Bagh Road, with restrictions in effect from 12 noon to 9:30 PM.
Given the likelihood of significant traffic congestion along these routes and adjacent streets, motorists are advised to avoid these areas. For an uninterrupted commute, the advisory recommends using metro services, particularly on routes impacted by the processions.
The Delhi Police have urged citizens to remain patient, follow traffic updates, and cooperate with the authorities to ensure a smooth and respectful observance of Muharram.