Bollywood star Sonam Kapoor has long been celebrated as a style icon, both in India and internationally. However, she never initially set out to become the fashion luminary she is today. There was no grand plan or strategic intent behind her sartorial choices. Instead, her journey began with a simple love for fashion, heavily influenced by her mother and her own innate passion.
In a candid revelation, Kapoor shared, “I just wanted to wear what I liked from the designers I knew. It was just me being myself, influenced by the education I got from my mom and my passion for fashion. I considered fashion designers, both international and Indian, as stars because I grew up admiring them through my mom. This wasn’t about projecting an image; it was about my genuine love for fashion.”
From a young age, Kapoor was surrounded by the glamorous world of fashion due to her lineage and upbringing. Her mother’s interest in and appreciation for high fashion significantly shaped Sonam’s perception and passion for couture. Her early exposure to both Indian and international designers infused a unique blend of cultural richness and modernity into her fashion sensibilities.
Kapoor further elaborates, “I realised people didn’t often borrow clothes, so I started borrowing them. It didn’t make sense to buy everything all the time. I did buy a lot, but borrowing was more practical. This practice was common internationally but not in India, so I just did what felt right at the time. I was a 20-year-old girl, just following my passion for fashion without any strategic intent.”
Borrowing clothes was not about frugality but practicality and sustainability. In an era where fast fashion dominates, Kapoor’s approach stands out as both unique and thoughtful. By opting to borrow rather than perpetually buying new clothes, she not only enjoyed a rotating wardrobe of the trendiest outfits but also supported sustainable fashion practices, albeit inadvertently.
Kapoor’s sartorial journey did not just stop at borrowing clothes. She put careful thought into her selections, ensuring that each piece she wore celebrated artistry and design brilliance. Her approach quickly gained traction, setting her apart in an industry where fast fashion often takes precedence.
Her intuitive fashion sense and consistent glamorous appearances soon caught the eye of international media, establishing her as a global fashion icon. Her influence extends beyond the cinema, impacting brands and even shaping trends. Major fashion houses now vie for her endorsement, recognizing her significant influence and impeccable taste.
One of the most rewarding aspects of her fashion journey, Kapoor points out, is the opportunity to represent Indian culture on a global stage. “It’s a privilege to represent the richness and diversity of Indian culture, whether through art, cinema, or fashion. To represent India to the world is something I am very proud of. South Asians I’ve met abroad also love representing their culture and appreciate when people recognize and understand it. Whether it’s through museums, red carpets, or any platform, I take every opportunity to showcase the beauty and richness of Indian culture,” she says.
Her commitment to showcasing Indian culture has been evident throughout her career. From wearing traditional attire to modern interpretations of Indian designs, Kapoor has used her platform to highlight the diversity and richness of Indian fashion. This cultural representation goes beyond aesthetics; it embodies history, tradition, and a deep sense of identity, resonating with millions of South Asians worldwide.
Sonam Kapoor’s journey from borrowing dresses to becoming an international fashion icon is a testament to following one’s passion unapologetically. Without any grand strategy or calculated moves, she has carved a unique niche for herself, combining her love for fashion with a deep appreciation for her cultural heritage. Her story encourages others to embrace their passions authentically, highlighting how genuine love and commitment can create a lasting impact.
In an industry often criticized for its emphasis on materialism and superficiality, Kapoor’s approach brings a refreshing narrative – one where personal expression, cultural pride, and sustainability play pivotal roles. Her style and strategy may have evolved over the years, but her core ethos remains unchanged: a genuine love for fashion and a profound respect for her cultural roots.