The Malayalam film “Vishesham,” directed by Sooraj Tom and starring Anand Madhusoodhanan, Chinnu Chandhni, and Althaf Salim, delves into the societal pressures faced by newly married couples. With a duration of 136 minutes, the film attempts to unravel the emotional toll that these pressures can exert on individuals. Vishesham, a title with multiple connotations, here leans towards the unpleasant societal questions and expectations that can often overwhelm newlyweds.
The essence of the movie is captured in a particular scene where Sajitha, played by Chinnu Chandhni, an emotionally strained protagonist, confronts a pestering neighbor regarding the expected question of childbearing. This moment matches the film’s namesake—Vishesham—highlighting the intrusive and vexing societal behaviors. In this scene, the film momentarily displays its standpoint against such societal pressures, akin to how Jude Anthany Joseph’s film “Sara’s” tackled similar issues. However, while “Sara’s” aggressively challenged societal norms, “Vishesham” adopts a more conservative and predictable narrative. It doesn’t entirely disentangle itself from conventional expectations and rather focuses on the emotional struggles when these pressures are succumbed to.
The plot revolves around Shaiju Bhakthan, portrayed by Anand Madhusoodhanan, an online motivational speaker and organic farmer battling personal dejection. After an initial failed marriage and several rejections in his subsequent marriage proposals, Shaiju forms a connection with Sajitha, a police officer who has also endured a difficult divorce. The evolution of their relationship, illustrated from awkward beginnings to harmonious companionship, is depicted with earnest performances from the lead actors.
While the film manages to portray the relational dynamics between Shaiju and Sajitha compellingly, it falters in maintaining narrative consistency. At times, the script feels scattered, with an emphasis on mundane sequences that lack direction, making it resemble a public service advertisement for infertility clinics. The film initially steers in this direction but eventually diverts, albeit without generating substantial narrative impact. The flip-flop between the thematic elements causes the movie to lose its focus, leading to an ambiguous conclusion that nearly serves as an unintended promotion for infertility treatments.
In a broader sense, “Vishesham” can be seen as an endeavor where filmmakers concentrated more on highlighting a particular societal issue rather than excelling in various aspects of filmmaking. Although featuring relatable protagonists whose ordinary lives are depicted with several emotional peaks, the film’s overall impact is diluted by its predictability and conservative narrative choices. Unlike more daring films such as “Sara’s,” “Vishesham” seems hesitant to challenge societal conventions boldly, opting instead for subdued storytelling. Its limited audacity is confined to criticizing those who encroach on the privacy of others with their unsolicited opinions, which, although significant, doesn’t substantially stir the conventional narrative structure.
Despite these shortcomings, “Vishesham” does provide some commendable moments that reflect genuine emotional strife and the intricacies of personal relationships. The performances by Anand Madhusoodhanan and Chinnu Chandhni ensure that the audience can relate to their struggles, grounding the film in reality even when the script tends to veer off course. The actors’ portrayal of their characters’ journey from coping with past traumas to forging a connection that transcends societal pressures is both sincere and poignant.
However, the film’s failure to maintain a robust and engaging narrative throughout its duration overshadows these positives. The writing lacks the adventurous spirit necessary to push boundaries and offers no fresh perspective on a subject that has been explored in other films. For instance, while highlighting issues like societal pressure on childbearing and the trauma associated with it, the film does not delve deeply into psychological nuances or offer any innovative storytelling. Instead, it resorts to a familiar trope that adds little to the discourse on such societal issues.
In conclusion, “Vishesham” is a film with a significant theme marred by its cautious approach and unremarkable narrative. It strikes a chord with its depiction of relatable protagonists and emotional high points but falls short by adhering to a predictable and conservative narrative. The film manages to take a minor step in addressing societal scrutiny but lacks the boldness to push against the conventional boundaries meaningfully. As a result, “Vishesham” remains an average fare amidst films attempting to critique societal norms and pressures.