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Ananya Panday: Can’t get too carried away by praise or hate

In the glossy avenues of Bollywood, where fame and criticism walk hand-in-hand, Ananya Panday stands as a testament to resilience. As the bright-eyed actor in the coming-of-age film “Kho Gaye Hum Kahan,” she has faced her fair share of online trolling, from critiques of her fashion statements to outright nepotism barbs. Yet, Panday views each of these experiences as vital to her development both as an artist and as an individual.

Gracing the silver screen and inheriting the spotlight as a member of a film dynasty, she acknowledges the duality of her journey since her auspicious debut. Encountering both adulation and animosity, Panday has adopted a philosophical stance towards the rollercoaster of public opinion, drawing wisdom from the noise. “If I hadn’t been exposed to those emotions, I would probably not be able to perform a certain way,” she reflects, suggesting that the emotional tapestry of her life informs and enriches her on-screen personas.

Within the bounds of an industry where opinions oscillate wildly with each release, Panday has learned to extract value from criticism. She admits, “Some criticism is actually helpful and important feedback,” an acknowledgment that not all arrows shot in her direction are meant to wound. With maturity beyond her years, she digests both praise and criticism with equal tact, never allowing either to derail her from her path.

The lesson for Panday has been clear: the allure of praise is as dangerous as the scourge of hate. Both are distractions from the true goal of persistent, diligent work. “You can’t change the way people speak, so you can only work on yourself. That’s what I have learned,” she stated, voicing an ethos of self-improvement that remains deaf to the cacophony of the crowd.

Panday’s approach resonates in an age of instant gratification and real-time feedback, where actors and public figures often find themselves caught in the tide of social media commentary and news cycles. By maintaining balance and an unwavering focus on the craft itself, she carves out a space where growth is constant and anchored to the bedrock of hard work.

Her career trajectory has been as much about learning lines and cinematic nuances as it has been about navigating the treacherous currents of fame. Every disparaging comment and heartwarming compliment has been cataloged, not as a measure of worth but as a stepping stone toward greater artistry.

Mid-day, the source of this narrative, assumes no responsibility for the story’s dependability or the data it contains. Instead, this media outlet focuses on delivering the tales of those like Panday, who remain undaunted in the eye of the storm, their moral compass and dedication unshaken.

The voyage of Ananya Panday through the maze of Bollywood is thus not merely about the roles she adopts or the red carpets she graces. It’s about the odyssey within, confronting the ghosts of ridicule and the sirens of flattery. Her response to the torrent of judgments faced by public figures is not one of capitulation or conceit but of calm, unwavering progression. Amid the whirlwind of expectations and evaluations, she stands poised, with eyes fixed on honing her art and sculpting a legacy grounded in resilience and relentless self-betterment.