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Vikas Badiger’s The Ocean Connection stirs conservation waters

Nestled along the Western coast of Karnataka, India, are regions imbued with a rich tapestry of folklore, captivating dances, and a colorful cultural heritage. The allure of these coastal areas has not gone unnoticed in the realm of cinema. For instance, films like “Kantara” have delved into the unique religious beliefs found in places like Keradi. Continuing this tradition of storytelling, documentary filmmaker Vikas Badiger has released “The Ocean Connection,” which focuses on the Honnavar fishing hamlet and its commendable efforts in conserving the endangered Olive Ridley turtles.

This initiative goes beyond mere environmental action for the Honnavar community; it is intertwined with their spiritual convictions, particularly the ‘Koorma avataar’ – an incarnation of the deity Vishnu. Vikas shares that the conservation undertaking began with local fishermen who reached out to Sandeep Hegde, a trustee of the Honnavar Foundation. Their collaboration set in motion a powerful movement that gained momentum, one akin to a domino effect.

Vikas, an MBA graduate with a penchant for documenting the people and stories of Bengaluru through his platform Faces of Bengaluru, has explored various themes in his past works, which include “Kathegala Kanive,” focusing on transgenders, and “Thou Shall Not Steel,” addressing civic protests against infrastructure developments in the city.

“The Ocean Connection” is a 35-minute exploration of marine life, the traditional fishing industry, and, at its heart, the conservation of sea turtles in Honnavar. The documentary reveals the untouched beauty of this coastal locale, which stands in stark contrast to modern urban developments. Moreover, it raises critical questions about contentious beach privatization plans, which could spell disaster for the turtle nesting grounds.

According to Vikas, proposed changes to the beach could seal the fate of future turtle generations and eliminate an integral part of this ecosystem. With the aim of educating audiences on the matter, Vikas has been actively promoting the film to encourage widespread viewing.

Despite working with modest means and encountering logistical hurdles, the production team managed to wrap up the shooting within 11 days, a feat credited to Vikas’s direction and writing skills. He emphasizes Sandeep Hegde’s vital role in galvanizing the project to fruition, underscoring the unusual concern the Honnavar fishermen have for both their livelihoods and the well-being of the sea turtles, which has cultivated an extensive conservation practice over two decades.

Vikas’s documentary is not merely a portrayal of the ocean and turtles but is enriched by factual insights from experts such as Prakash Mesta, a marine biologist, Sreeja Chakraborty, a lawyer, and Sandeep. Experiencing the daily life and operations of the Honnavar fishing industry was an enlightening journey that extends far beyond mere economic activity.

Looking ahead, Vikas has ambitions of presenting “The Ocean Connection” at various film festivals, hopeful that the documentary’s message will resonate with larger audiences. Upcoming screenings are slated for February 3rd at the Suchitra Film Society and February 4th at the Renukamba Digital Studio, with tickets available through BookMyShow.

As “The Ocean Connection” garners attention, its underlying mission to safeguard marine life and promote the sustainable traditions of the Honnavar fishing community are set to ripple across a global audience, reaffirming the profound bond between humans and the oceans.