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Oscars announces new award for casting directors

Marking a significant evolution in the prestigious Oscars ceremony, the board of governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) has unveiled a new accolade focused on the art of casting in the cinematic world. The forthcoming addition to the Oscars literally puts the spotlight on those behind the scenes who exhibit the prowess to assemble the perfect ensemble of actors for filmmaking.

Shedding light on the craft that has for long remained without its due recognition, the Academy Award for Achievement in Casting will debut at the 98th Oscars ceremony. Anticipated to be a considerable nod to the casting directors, the accolade will celebrate the films that will see their release in the year 2025, with the inaugural award being presented in the subsequent year, 2026.

The introduction of this award is a monumental step by the Academy which symbolizes the acknowledgment of the casting directors’ influential and essential role in the magic of storytelling through film. “Casting directors play an essential role in filmmaking, and as the Academy evolves, we are proud to add casting to the disciplines that we recognize and celebrate,” remarked Academy CEO Bill Kramer and Academy President Janet Yang, offering a joint statement that resonated with a sense of historic achievement for the film community.

Further showcasing support for the recognition of their craft, Academy Casting Directors Branch governors Richard Hicks, Kim Taylor-Coleman, and Debra Zane shared a collective sentiment on this development. They described the introduction of the award as “a deserved acknowledgment of our casting directors’ exceptional talents” and hailed it as “a testament to the dedicated efforts of our branch.” A clear reflection of the joy and pride that pulsates through the casting directors’ community, their reaction encapsulates the significance of the novel award to the industry at large.

The casting directors’ branch of the Academy, after being established in July 2013, has continually grown and now includes nearly 160 members dedicated to the casting craft. These professionals have been instrumental in spotlighting the essential role they play in filmmaking, leading to the creation of the much-awaited award.

The eligibility criteria and voting process for the award will be unveiled in a formal announcement in April 2025, delineating the pathways toward this soon-to-be-coveted trophy.

The Academy’s decision comes as a reflection of its agility and willingness to embrace the changing dynamics and acknowledge all aspects of film creation. The last time an award category was added to the Oscars was more than two decades ago, in 2001, with the inception of the Best Animated Feature Film category. Moreover, it is noteworthy that although the Academy had introduced a proposed category, the Academy Award for Best Popular Film, in 2018, the concept did not come to fruition and was never implemented into the ceremony.

This year’s addition of a new category marks the breaking of a long Oscars tradition—a reflection of evolving perspectives within the industry, highlighting those talents that operate behind the lime light but are equally significant in the creation of movie magic.

The announcement has provoked conversation among cinephiles, industry veterans, and casual viewers alike, circling around the possibilities this award brings for honoring those whose remarkable skill lies in bringing together the perfect mix of talent to captivate audiences worldwide with compelling narratives showcased through film.

As the countdown to the 98th Oscars begins, the film industry awaits with baited breath to see who will be the first to claim the title of Oscar winner for Achievement in Casting—a testament to the indomitable spirit of creation and the celebration of collaborative art that is filmmaking.