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Abhishek Bachchan shares how Aishwarya taught him to deal with negative criticism

In the bustling city of Delhi, actor Abhishek Bachchan shared deeply personal insights during an interview with ANI about the profound influence his wife, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, has had on his approach to handling life’s challenges, particularly when it comes to navigating the often turbulent waters of negative criticism.

Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, a couple that embodies both star power and grace, are no strangers to the spotlight and the scrutiny that comes with it. Painted in the media as one of Bollywood’s most iconic couples, their every move is followed by millions. Yet, amidst this constant attention, Abhishek credits Aishwarya for teaching him the invaluable lesson of focusing on the positive aspects of life.

Reflecting on the wisdom imparted by his partner, Abhishek recounted an instance that illuminated Aishwarya’s perspective on the matter. “My wife once told me that, ‘you get 10,000 positive comments but you get affected by one negative comment. You should concentrate on positivity and experience the beauty of the positive world.’ So, I always try to look at things with positivity,” he relayed during the interview. This simple yet powerful paradigm shift seems to have instilled in Abhishek a sense of resilience and optimism.

Expanding on this endeavor to adopt a more constructive approach, Abhishek explained that he does not allow failures or negative comments to derail him. Instead, he consciously seeks to extract lessons from them. This philosophical stance reframes adversity as a learning opportunity, a keystone in his quest for personal and professional growth. “You can’t deal with failures…failures deal with you. The only thing that matters is how you come out of it. I don’t let failures and criticism affect me negatively, I take them as positives to better myself as a person and professional. I always try to make my failures a lesson,” he added.

The conversation eventually steered towards Abhishek’s upcoming work in cinema. He shared his hopes for positive acclaim for his soon-to-be-released film ‘Dasvi’, a narrative centered around Ganga Ram Chaudhary, a charming yet controversial politician portrayed by Abhishek, who strives to achieve his educational aspirations within the confines of prison walls. The film promises a tale of humor, heart, and a journey towards self-improvement, capturing the spirit of change and the power of conviction against all odds.

Abhishek expressed his gratitude for the love the film’s trailer has received and conveyed his eager anticipation for the audience’s reaction to the full feature. “‘Dasvi’, which has been a labor of love for all those involved, including co-actors Nimrat Kaur and Yami Gautam, will premier across the streaming platforms Jio Cinema and Netflix on April 7, marking a fresh chapter in his career,” he remarked.

The interview shed light on Abhishek Bachchan’s transformative journey, driven by the unwavering support and positive influence of his partner, Aishwarya. It exemplifies how a shift in perspective, guided by empathy and understanding from loved ones, can pave the way for personal evolution and resilience. This story sourced from a third-party syndicated feed and agencies shall remain a testament to the Bachchans’ enduring legacy within Bollywood and beyond, where life’s teachings are often found not in the limelight but in the quiet wisdom shared between two souls. Mid-day assumes no responsibility for the details mentioned as the content may be subject to third-party sources’ accuracy and reliability.

This account is a vivid reminder that behind every successful personality lay the pillars of support, encouragement, and the light of positivity that guide them through life’s tumultuous journey.