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“After ten o’clock we switch off our phones”: Pankaj Tripathi shares his house rules

The Screen-Time Curfew

In an era where screens dominate the fabric of daily life, esteemed actor Pankaj Tripathi has introduced a distinctive rule within his household aimed at nurturing family bonds. Tripathi divulged that in an effort to foster deeper connections, his family has adopted a nightly ritual where all members dutifully store their mobile phones away after ten o’clock. This practice is their way of ensuring quality time is spent in each other’s company, undisturbed by the persistent notifications and distractions that come with the digital age.

Tripathi, who is widely celebrated for his nuanced performances and an acting career rich with varied roles, expressed the importance of this rule during a conversation with ANI. He emphasized the significance of communal activities, such as sharing meals and engaging in meaningful conversations, as central components to maintaining a warm and close-knit family atmosphere. The actor’s dedication to preserving these values at home is equally as heartfelt as his on-screen portrayals.

Mridula’s Educational Aspiration

The actor also shared insights into his personal life, particularly concerning his wife Mridula and her aspirations. The two, having been united through a love marriage, share a commitment to growth and positive change. Mridula, a trained educator with a Bachelor of Education from Kolkata, spent nearly a decade teaching at various schools in Mumbai. However, her encounters with the excessive interference of management and corporate entities within the academic sphere left her dissatisfied, prompting her decision to resign.

Today, Mridula’s professional desire lies in the foundation of her own school. A place where she can cultivate an educational environment aligned with her vision, free from the restraints that once hampered her teaching experience. As Pankaj’s career in the limelight has flourished, so too has Mridula’s resolve to create a value-driven educational institution.

Portraying a Prime Minister

In professional matters, Pankaj Tripathi is taking on a challenge that sits at the intersection of art and history. He’s been cast to play the role of India’s former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in the upcoming biographical film ‘Main Atal Hoon.’ The gravity of portraying such a revered political figure initially filled Tripathi with trepidation, an emotion he didn’t shy away from discussing. With the role demanding an emulation of character rather than mere imitation, the actor confessed to moments of self-doubt regarding his ability to do justice to the late Prime Minister’s legacy.

In deliberating over the responsibility of the part, Tripathi sought the counsel of friends and pondered deeply before accepting it. It was the earnest encouragement from the film’s producer, Vinod Bhanushali, who expressed a steadfast conviction in Tripathi’s capabilities, that eventually tipped the scales. Bhanushali’s statement that he would not move forward with the project without Tripathi was a testament to his belief in the actor’s potential.

An Homage to Poetry and Politics

Atal Bihari Vajpayee was not only a political colossus but a connoisseur of literature, with a number of poems to his credit. Tripathi’s role in the biopic entails an aspect of literary reverence, as he recited Vajpayee’s poems, infusing his own interpretative nuances while respecting the original spirit. This delicate balance between interpretation and respect was crucial for the actor, in his quest to bring life to the poetic dimension of the former Prime Minister’s persona.

The anticipatory buzz around ‘Main Atal Hoon’ continues to build as it heads towards its release date on January 19, 2024. With the film’s direction under the deft guidance of Ravi Jadhav and a script co-written with Rishi Virmani, audiences are eager to witness Tripathi’s metamorphosis into one of India’s most iconic leaders in recent history.

As the public awaits the arrival of this cinematic endeavor, Pankaj Tripathi stands as an exemplar of an artist committed to his craft and a family man devoted to the cherished institution of home. His portrayal of Atal Bihari Vajpayee isn’t just a display of his thespian skills but also reflects his profound understanding of life beyond the camera, one that values both personal connection and professional integrity.