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Artists and Audiences Unite to Address Harassment in Unique Performance

In the innovative and emotionally charged performance “Touchy Topic,” artist Durga Venkatesan delves into the widespread issue of sexual harassment through a non-verbal medium. This unique performance challenges traditional theatrical norms by involving the audience in an immersive and active role.

In “Touchy Topic,” Venkatesan assumes a stationary position for an hour, inviting her audience to engage with her in an intimate and direct manner. Participants are encouraged to approach her and apply white paint to leave a fingerprint on any part of her body where they have experienced inappropriate touching. This silent yet powerful exchange transforms attendees from mere spectators into “spect-actors,” people who actively contribute to the unfolding narrative with their personal experiences and emotions.

The idea for this performance was born out of a 10-day workshop in Mumbai, where Venkatesan and other artists were encouraged to create solo performances based on their personal lives. “The workshop ignited a desire in me to explore the issue of inappropriate touching, which I’ve unfortunately faced living in Delhi. Safety, or the lack thereof, is constantly emphasized to us,” Venkatesan shared during a phone interview from Bengaluru.

She further elaborated on her choice of medium: “Speaking about inappropriate touching and sexual harassment can be extremely challenging. Many of us lack the confidence or do not feel safe enough to voice these experiences. Creativity offers an avenue to express what words often fail to convey.”

Venkatesan’s performance is profoundly personal, reflecting a long history of inappropriate touching that began when she was as young as five years old. “This performance is my way of creating a space for others to express themselves, perhaps for the first time,” she said.

The performance extends beyond her personal narrative, offering a pivotal moment for the audience. “For survivors, it can be a crucial step towards acknowledging and accepting their experiences,” Venkatesan noted. “For those who haven’t endured such harassment, the volume of participants and their silent stories can foster awareness and empathy. It can provoke both anger and a strong will to enact change.”

The foundation of Venkatesan’s work is built on bravery and vulnerability, intricately woven into her personal journey and the performance’s development. “Initially, I experienced the same anxiety anyone would—standing absolutely still while absorbing the intense emotions of others,” she admitted. “However, something within me changed after the first performance.

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. Witnessing so many expressions and stories lifted a significant weight off my shoulders. It wasn’t just about the audience; it was about sharing my own story too. A sense of belonging emerged in that room, as I was surrounded by people who understood. We created not just a safe space, but a brave space.”

The premiere of “Touchy Topic” took place at Prithvi House in Mumbai and was recently performed again at Lahe Lahe in Bengaluru. Venkatesan observed distinct reactions from the different audiences, with each city’s atmosphere uniquely influencing the performance. “In Mumbai, the energy was high with around 50 attendees. Many people participated, leaving their fingerprints. In contrast, the atmosphere in Bengaluru was more subdued and contemplative. People seemed deeply introspective, piecing together stories behind the fingerprints in the quiet, darkened space.”

“Touchy Topic” is not about achieving a single outcome but rather providing a platform for exploration and personal journeys. “Some might find the experience cathartic, releasing pent-up emotions. Others might feel their anger bubble to the surface. Some might simply need quiet reflection,” Venkatesan explained.

“Touchy Topic” is scheduled for another performance on June 23 at the Shoonya Centre for Somatic Arts and Practices, located on Lal Bagh Road. Tickets are available on insider.in.

Through “Touchy Topic,” Venkatesan not only shares her story but also builds a communal space where others can explore and express their own experiences with harassment. By transforming the audience into active participants, she creates a compelling and thought-provoking dialogue about a sensitive and pervasive issue, fostering a deeper awareness and empathy within the community.