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BSM Unveils Mozart’s The Requiem in a Grand Collaboration with Evolve Back Resorts

In what promises to be a captivating evening of classical music, the Bangalore School of Music is poised to showcase Mozart’s The Requiem at the prestigious Chowdaiah Memorial Hall. The event, orchestrated in partnership with Evolve Back Resorts, will present the enigmatic choral work composed by Mozart in his final year, 1791. Despite Mozart’s untimely demise in December of the same year, which left The Requiem incomplete, the piece stands as a solemnly beautiful homage to the choral tradition, typically associated with the music accompanying a mass for the departed.

The Requiem itself is steeped in the haunting magnificence of mortality, with the dramatic sequences giving way to moments of serene respite. Conductor Jonas Olsson, leading the musical assembly, believes that The Requiem is a crown jewel in choral repertoire. “The Requiem reflects the many aspects of death in all its terrifying glory with dramatic parts interspersed with more soothing ones,” he comments. “For us, it was a natural choice as it is one of the works that a choir with any sense of pride should perform.”

For this momentous occasion, the Bangalore School of Music will not only bring forth their choir but also welcome the formidable talents of two European chamber musicians — Grammy Award-winning pianist Bengt Forsberg and the skilled conductor Maria Forsström. This collaboration signifies a rare and grand-scale project within the realms of Bangalore, a city where Western classical music often clamors for recognition and support.

Their 45-member choir, supported by a 20-member orchestra, will fall under the leadership of Bengt and Maria, exploiting the synergies of their expertise. Jonas Olsson voices his excitement, optimistically stating, “It is quite rare to do projects of this scale in Bangalore, since Western classical music is not promoted or supported enough. I am thrilled we will be able to pull this off, and the audience can expect something quite unique.” It is his hope that attendees will be momentarily swept away by the transformative power of the performance.

Preparations for the concert embarked upon as early as September, with the recent two-week addition of Bengt and Maria who have ample experience in rendering The Requiem. Their recent involvement has been pivotal, enhancing the already polished presentation the group plans to unveil.

To add to this delightful presentation of Mozart’s work, Bengt Forsberg will grace the audience with a performance of Mozart’s Piano Concerto Number 12 in A Major partnered with the BSM Chamber Orchestra. This piece, albeit less common in the circuit, is yet another testament to Mozart’s mastery and the diversely skilled repertoire of the ensemble.

The BSM string orchestra led by Ananth Kamat, Cappella Bangalore, and The Bangalore Men with conductor Jonas Olsson, will all play a role in the enchanting rendition of The Requiem. Renowned musicians Bengt Forsberg and Maria Forsström are set to join forces with the musicians from The Bangalore School of Music alongside soloists Payal John, Vinaya Vinod Kumar, Benson Chacko, and Nivedh Jayanth, culminating in a fusion of talent befitting Mozart’s masterpiece.

The highly anticipated performance is scheduled for January 19, from 7.30 to 9 pm, ensuring an evening suffused with melodic splendor at Chowdiah Memorial Hall. Tickets are within reach for music aficionados, starting from ₹299 to ₹999, and can be procured through insider.in.

Anticipation for the musical event is soaring, and the union of all these exceptional artists and musicians is guaranteed to create an extraordinary showcase of Mozart’s timeless music. Audience members are invited to immerse themselves in the emotional depths of The Requiem, as it reverberates through the hall and perhaps, for a fleeting interval, transports them beyond the confines of the everyday world.