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Cannes Film Festival to Launch Inaugural Immersive Competition Segment

The prestigious Festival de Cannes is poised to embrace the future of cinematic experiences with the introduction of its very first Immersive Competition at its 77th edition. This groundbreaking initiative has its roots in the success and impact of Alejandro Iñárritu’s critically acclaimed virtual reality piece, Carne y Arena, presented in 2017. This extraordinary step by the Festival de Cannes is set to shine a spotlight on a new generation of international artists who are redefining the boundaries of narrative storytelling through innovative means.

The competition is backed by the CNC (National Center for Cinema and the moving image), which underscores its commitment to the advancement of narrative forms aided by contemporary technology. The Immersive Competition will showcase a myriad of works that incorporate virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and other avant-garde technological platforms, influencing the way stories are told and experienced.

A selection committee composed of industry connoisseurs and professionals, led by the Festival’s General Delegate, will handpick eight competitive entries. These will be showcased alongside a hand-curated range of non-competitive immersive creations. Each offering is anticipated to be a distinctive blend of art and technology, manifesting the infinite possibilities of immersive storytelling.

The festival, which will take place from May 15 to 24, plans to transform spaces at both the Cannes Cineum and the Georges Méliès Campus into exhibition halls for these innovative works. The attendees of the Festival will have a unique opportunity to engage with the immersive narratives. Like traditional film entries, these immersive works will also face the judgment of an international jury. The standout creation that encapsulates the essence of innovation in this space will be awarded the coveted title of “Best Immersive Work.”

Furthermore, the Marché du Film, a part of the Festival known for its focus on the business side of cinema, will include a series of events dedicated to exploring the burgeoning commercial and technical landscape of the immersive sector. These will include conferences and panels aimed at fostering discussion and insight into these novel forms of storytelling.

Extending beyond the glamorous event itself, the City of Cannes will launch Cannes Immersive, a strategic and forward-thinking initiative endorsed by iconic artist Jean-Michel Jarre in collaboration with the CNC. The driving objective of this program is to establish the city not just as the host of the legendary film festival but as a nexus for immersive creations and art driven by artificial intelligence. Through Cannes Immersive, the city endeavors to embed immersive experiences into its local events and cultural fabric, presenting a concerted effort to nurture technological innovation within the realm of the arts.

The Festival’s bold foray into the immersive arts signals an exciting departure from conventional storytelling and a welcome embrace of the artform’s future potential. As filmmakers, enthusiasts, and artists congregate in Cannes this May, they will be witnessing not just the celebration of international cinema but a transformative experiment in audience engagement, pushing the envelope of what’s possible in the language of film and beyond. This new competition holds the promise of propelling the world of cinema well into the 21st century and setting a precedent that could alter the landscape of film festivals worldwide.