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Celina Jaitley slams troll who says ‘your job is to reveal your body’

In a recent display of outspoken candor, Celina Jaitley confronted a troll head-on with a piercing rebuttal. The actress is no stranger to speaking out against online bullies, and once again, she’s proven she can hold her ground when provoked by inappropriate commentary.

On a winter’s day in February, Celina Jaitley found herself at the center of unsolicited advice on her Instagram. The offense? An individual’s brash declaration delineating her role to the mere exposure of her physique and implicitly suggesting her silence on matters of worldly importance. “Dear Celina, ur job is to reveal ur body in bikini or nude rather than commenting on international affairs,” the comment read, punctuated with careless disregard for respect.

Jaitley, unamused by this reduction of her personhood, retorted with a blend of satire and sternness. Speaking with a Bihari accent, she derided the comment’s impudence and the education of its author. Asserting her intimate knowledge of such mindsets, she delivered a figurative slap to the troll, bluntly advising them to tend to personal matters instead of policing her expressions.

Beyond defusing negative remarks, Jaitley has dedicated herself to uplifting the underrepresented and those beleaguered by societal beauty norms. Particularly compelling was her engagement with a heartfelt message from an adolescent girl wrestling with skin tone insecurities. The young fan’s despondence over her brown complexion was laid bare in a message to Jaitley: “Didi, I hate my brown skin…” The girl yearned for a lighter skin tone, along with Jaitley’s eye color, resenting her inherent features and lamenting the ridicule they attracted. “How can I be like you? Why am I like this?” she implored.

Jaitley, deeply moved by the girl’s plight, seized the moment to disrupt prevailing beauty standards. Alongside a touching self-portrait, she showcased the girl’s plea, utilizing her platform to champion embracing one’s natural beauty. Tapping into the contentious Barbie doll trend, the actress critiqued the cultural obsession with a standardized, unrealistic ideal of beauty and the societal echo chamber that perpetuates it.

The former beauty queen dissected the problematic whitewashing linked to AI-generated iterations of the ubiquitous Barbie, prompting introspection about the part she plays in crafting and perpetuating these standards.

Beyond her screen presence, Jaitley has cultivated a voice that resonates with many, particularly with those navigating the tumultuous seas of self-esteem and personal identity in the digital era. Her active social media engagement serves as a beacon for young girls and women searching for role models who defy the pressures of conforming to retouched, unrealistic beauty archetypes.

Celina Jaitley’s enduring message is one of self-acceptance and the celebration of diversity, challenging her audience to reject the narrow constructs of attractiveness peddled by both the entertainment industry and social media. Her direct confrontation with the troll is not merely about rebuking a personal affront, but reclaiming the conversation on beauty, empowerment, and individual worth.

With poignant candor, Jaitley has illuminated the pervasive nature of body shaming and the beauty myth while advocating for a more inclusive, compassionate discourse where young girls can grow up valuing their intrinsic beauty, unmarred by the impossible standards of perfection. In doing so, she positions herself as not just an entertainer but as an impassioned advocate for positive change, sending ripples of empowerment through her loyal following and beyond.