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Daniel Sloss: The Humorist Who Broke a Thousand Marriages

Amidst the ebb and flow of everyday chuckles and guffaws, there emerges a comedian who not only entertains but inadvertently reshapes the romantic destiny of his viewers. During a week laid low by the flu in 2018, a series of clicks on Netflix introduced me to the trenchant wit of Scottish comedian Daniel Sloss. Immersed in his brutally frank and kvetchingly honest comedy through his specials ‘DARK’ and ‘Jigsaw,’ I found solace in laughter.

‘Jigsaw,’ the special that would go on to establish Sloss’s notoriety, meditated upon love’s essence. In its wake, global viewers habituated to romance’s clichés found themselves confronted with love’s unvarnished truths. The resultant phenomenon? A cascade of breakups and the signing of more than a thousand divorce papers, now forever intertwined with Daniel’s comedic legacy.

With his profile on X boasting of those notches on his comedic belt, Sloss acknowledges the cultural significance of ‘Jigsaw,’ especially among young Indians who were compelled by the special’s narrative to eschew compromise in love. During a candid Zoom call from Scotland, and with the air of a man astounded by his own impact, he shared, “That’s not why I wrote it.” Yet, there it was, indelible and life-altering.

India, with its vast cultural tapestry, seemed equally seduced by Daniel’s philosophy, as demonstrated by the rapid sell-out during his maiden tour of the subcontinent in March 2023. Napalming through tickets for shows in Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Delhi, Sloss had evidently tapped into an immense reservoir of Indian enthusiasm for his brand of stand-up.

This circuit of mirth was no solitary venture. Back in 2022, as part of DeadAnt’s Laughing Dead Comedy Festival, Sloss had dipped his toes in India’s comedic waters, leaving a ripple effect that beckoned him back. The clamor of his Indian fandom rang loud and clear on social media, paying testament to his burgeoning appeal.

Now, Daniel Sloss embarks on a groundbreaking comedy tour across eight Indian cities – the grandest such endeavor for any international comic in the nation thus far. The mind behind DeadAnt, Ravina Rawal, recounts, “He was whinging and moaning on social media about wanting to come back to India, so we reached out.” And thus began the expansive narrative of his upcoming series of performances under the aegis of DeadAnt’s new initiative, Loop, facilitating the journey of comedy greats to Indian shores.

The universality of humor is a gospel preached and practiced by Sloss. Reflecting on his previous Indian foray, he remarked on its familiarity amidst the freshness, “The response was electric…my accent wasn’t as big an issue as I thought it would be.” Nonetheless, navigating humor’s delicate territories – especially in regions where freedom of speech wades through murky waters like in India – is a gauntlet he willingly takes up, aiming to meld local flair into his international set.

In comedy’s vast tableau, Sloss has danced with both cheers and jeers. After a relatively discordant conclusion in Turkey, he muses about the never-ending challenge: “I like the challenge of proving that everything can be funny.” His commentary extends beyond jests; it serves as a crucible for diverse cultures to witness their reflections through a humorist’s guise.

Sloss’s upcoming jaunt to India isn’t just about the laughs; it’s also a culinary exploration. Amidst fond memories of biriyani from adoring fans, he jests about his return, “This time I’m going to trust Ravina…we are going to destroy my stomach.”

The comedian’s Indian tour, ranging from March 15 to 24, promises to blur lines between cultures, jests, and dishes, with tickets eagerly waiting on insider.in, starting at a modest ₹999. So, it’s not just a show – it’s a summons to witness a Scot’s humorous take on life, love, and everything in-between, served with a side of vada-pav.