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Delhi Water Crisis: Minister Atishi’s Hunger Strike for Water Supply from Haryana

Delhi Water Minister Atishi commenced an indefinite hunger strike at noon in Bhogal, setting an ambitious objective of securing 100 million gallons of water daily from Haryana. This significant step highlights her commitment to address the long-standing water sharing dispute between the two states.

According to Atishi’s post on X, the decision to start this hunger strike comes after repeated attempts to get Haryana to release the full quota of water that Delhi is entitled to. Despite relentless efforts, these attempts have been unsuccessful, prompting this drastic measure. Her post expressed her frustration and determination, stating, “The Haryana government has refused to release Delhi’s rightful share of water, despite our continuous efforts.”

Before beginning her protest, Atishi honored Mahatma Gandhi by paying tribute at Rajghat at 11 am. This symbolic gesture of visiting the memorial of the father of the nation underscores her belief in the ‘Satyagraha’ or non-violent resistance approach to fight against what she perceives as an injustice. She emphasized this point in her address on X, remarking, “I will start ‘Pani Satyagraha’ from today… until Delhi receives its rightful share of water from Haryana.”

The water minister has been vocal about the issue for weeks, asserting that for the past two weeks, Haryana has supplied 100 million gallons daily less than Delhi’s allocated share of 613 MGD (million gallons daily). This significant shortfall has exacerbated the already strained water resources of Delhi, impacting the daily lives of approximately 28 lakh residents.

Delhi is currently grappling with an unprecedented heatwave, which has further intensified the demand for water. The shortage has created severe challenges for both the residents and the administration, who are struggling to meet the escalating water requirements. The situation has reached a critical point, necessitating immediate and effective action from the government’s end.

Atishi’s hunger strike has garnered widespread attention and support from various quarters. Several political leaders, social activists, and residents have expressed their solidarity with her cause, urging the Haryana government to fulfill its obligations. The protest is not just a call for water but a demand for justice and fair treatment for Delhi’s residents.

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The water-sharing agreement between Delhi and Haryana has been a contentious issue for decades. Haryana is responsible for supplying water to Delhi from various sources, including the Yamuna River. However, disputes over the amount of water to be supplied and other logistical issues have led to frequent disagreements. The current scenario is a continuation of these long-standing conflicts.

Delhi’s water needs are constantly rising, driven by its expanding population and urbanization. The city’s dependence on external sources of water makes it vulnerable to such disputes. Ensuring a reliable and adequate water supply for its residents remains a top priority for the government, and resolving these inter-state conflicts is crucial in achieving this goal.

Atishi’s personal dedication to the cause has also brought to light the broader issue of water management and distribution in the region. Experts suggest that along with securing Delhi’s rightful share, there is a need for collaborative efforts in improving water conservation, recycling, and efficient utilization practices. This would not only help in addressing the immediate crisis but also ensure long-term water security for the region.

Public reactions to Atishi’s hunger strike have been mixed. While many laud her courage and steadfastness, others question the efficacy of such protest methods in resolving complex inter-state issues. Critics argue that dialogue and negotiation should prevail over hunger strikes, which they view as a last resort.

Nonetheless, Atishi’s determination and unwavering commitment have undeniably brought the issue back to the forefront. As the days progress, all eyes are on how the Haryana government will respond to this pressing demand and whether a resolution will be reached through this intense form of protest.

In the coming days, Delhi’s residents and political observers alike will closely monitor the developments surrounding this hunger strike. The outcome will not only affect the immediate water crisis but may also set a precedent for how inter-state disputes are handled in the future. Through her ‘Pani Satyagraha,’ Atishi has made a powerful statement, underscoring the vital importance of water as a fundamental right and the lengths to which one must go to secure it.