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‘Euphoria’ star Hunter Schafer among protesters arrested during Joe Biden’s appearance on ‘Late Night’

In a striking incursion of political activism into Hollywood limelight, Hunter Schafer, the luminary from the acclaimed television series ‘Euphoria,’ was arrested during a clamorous protest at NBC Studios. This wave of dissent, which addressed the Israel-Hamas conflict, coincided with President Joe Biden’s guest spot on the ‘Late Night with Seth Myers’ show earlier in the week, as confirmed by event organizers on Wednesday.

On Monday afternoon, the atrium of the iconic 30 Rockefeller Plaza was awash with more than 100 protestors, their numbers bolstered by the participation of the 25-year-old actress. Jewish Voice Peace, the group behind the demonstration, detailed the galvanization of the protesters who fiercely advocated for a ceasefire in the ravaged lands where Israel and Hamas collide.

Amid the specter of the skirmishes abroad, Schafer, aligned with fellow dissenters, donned a black shirt emblazoned with the rallying cry “Ceasefire Now” and “Not in Our Name.” Their voices rang out in unison, chanting “Let Gaza Live” amongst other slogans, as the President’s security detail navigated his motorcade through the growing crowd of demonstrators.

The visual tableau was vividly punctuated by Schafer seated on the floor, her form partly concealed by a mask in alignment with health protocols, while other protesters unfurled a banner that struck an accusing chord: “Jews to Biden: Stop Arming Genocide.” The moment, emblematic of the group’s impassioned plea, was captured in images and videos that subsequently flooded social media platforms, as provided by Jewish Voice Peace.

This latest encounter between political activism and celebrity influence has not only seen Schafer take a robust stance on international issues but has also drawn media attention due to her celebrity status. Despite repeated attempts to reach representatives of Schafer for a statement, there was no immediate response. Protest organizers, however, have indicated that Schafer, along with others arrested, will face their day in court next month.

The intersection of celebrity activism and political engagement is not new, with high-profile figures often leveraging their visibility to shine a light on pressing global matters. In the context of the Israel-Hamas conflict, the voices contributing to the call for peace span a diverse array of backgrounds and perspectives, with Schafer’s involvement highlighting the cross-generational concern for the issue.

The demonstration at NBC headquarters marks a critical juncture where public dissent has traversed conventional forms and ignited conversations nationwide. The civil engagement displayed in this instance underscores a broader plea for humanitarian consideration in global conflicts, seeking to exert influence over decision-makers at the highest levels.

As the news of Schafer’s arrest unfurls across the media landscape, it serves to underline the enduring relevance of celebrity involvement in activism. The weight of such events carries the potential to catalyze further support and draw attention to causes that require immediate and concerted international focus.

While Schafer’s role in the ‘Euphoria’ series has garnered her widespread acclaim and a dedicated fanbase, her off-screen endeavors suggest a willingness to engage with complex global issues. As the world observes the unfolding consequences of the Israel-Hamas conflict, the incident at Rockefeller Plaza becomes another chapter in the continually evolving narrative — one where the domains of entertainment, personal conviction, and political agency vividly intersect.