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Exploring Uncharted Emotional Terrains: Mukul Chadda Discusses ‘Fairy Folk’ and Collaborating with Rasika Dugal

Breaking the mould of conventional storytelling, actor Mukul Chadda has garnered attention with his latest foray into independent cinema. Alongside his wife, actress Rasika Dugal, Chadda stars in ‘Fairy Folk’—a film that delves into the complexities of a relationship challenged by the intrusion of a genderless entity. Helmed by director Karan Gour, ‘Fairy Folk’ takes its audience on a thought-provoking journey through themes of sexuality, identity, and the confines of relational norms.

In an immersive discussion with mid-day.com, Chadda reflects on his intriguing experience working on ‘Fairy Folk,’ the film’s creative process, and the landscape of independent filmmaking in the modern era. He recounts his reasoning behind choosing to be a part of ‘Fairy Folk,’ citing not only the distinct narrative arc of his character but also the allure of improvisation that the film demanded—a stark departure from scripted cinema. This innovative approach, coupled with the opportunity to work under Karan’s direction, solidified his commitment to the project.

The conversation soon pivots to the business acumen behind ‘Fairy Folk.’ As executive producers, Chadda and Dugal took a bold leap, releasing the film to theaters despite its ‘A’ rating—a decision the actor considers devoid of commercial calculation. His contentment stems not from financial gain but from the collective cinematic experience that theaters offer to eager audiences.

Chadda expounds on the challenges that plague the independent film industry. While digital advancements have democratized film production, he highlights the steeper hurdle of distribution, which he believes is now more grueling than at any point in history.

Amidst these insights into his professional endeavors, Chadda’s roles in the second season of the comedy-thriller ‘Sunflower’ and the drama series ‘Big Girls Don’t Cry’ are not overlooked. Selective about his roles, Chadda confesses that a project must spark an inner fire, citing the script, his character, or the director as potential catalysts for his enthusiasm.

A significant portion of the article is dedicated to Chadda’s on-screen collaboration with his spouse. The pair’s real-life rapport translated into seamless artistic chemistry as they navigated the film’s improvised scenes. Chadda describes the process as one that required immense trust and respect among the cast, ultimately resulting in a harmonious zeitgeist on set.

The discourse culminates with Chadda’s personal reflections on mutual artistic critique within his marriage. He expresses a profound appreciation for Dugal’s opinions on his performances, emphasizing the weight her perspective carries for him.

‘Fairy Folk’ stands as a testament to Chadda’s and Dugal’s shared commitment to storytelling that pushes boundaries and challenges audience perceptions. It offers an unorthodox exploration of human connections and their attendant emotions, underscored by the actors’ real-life synergy. As the film hit theaters earlier this month, audiences were invited not just to watch a film but to witness an intimate project imbued with the passion and daring of its creators.

To experience such audacious artistic expression is rare—and it’s a journey Chadda and Dugal eagerly guide their audience through, one improvised scene at a time. ‘Fairy Folk’ is as much a cinematic odyssey as it is a behind-the-scenes revelation into the lives of two actors who dare to peer beyond the veil of conventional artistry.