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Four-month-old boy dies after being ‘attacked’ by stray dog in Hyderabad

In a heart-wrenching incident that unfolded in the Shaikpet area of Hyderabad, a four-month-old boy has tragically passed away following a brutal encounter with a stray dog. The tragic event took place on December 8 and was confirmed by officials on the following Monday. According to the details provided, the young boy was left inside a hut by his parents, who were both laborers. The infant was resting in his cradle – a makeshift structure lacking a proper door – when the predatory animal struck.

This unfortunate assault by the stray canine was not an isolated event; the boy was one of several victims in a disturbing pattern plaguing the city—a previous attack by strays had claimed the life of another child, a four-year-old boy in the Amberpet area earlier on February 19. The community is once again faced with the harsh realities of a longstanding street dog issue that has proved fatal in these instances.

On the day of the attack, the parents, unaware of the imminent danger, had proceeded to their day’s labor. Meanwhile, a pack of three stray dogs roamed near the hut, with one of them entering the structure through the absent barrier and reaching the infant. The dog viciously bit the child on the face and forehead, inflicting severe injuries. The gravity of the injuries necessitated immediate medical attention; the boy was rushed to a state-run hospital within the city for emergency treatment. Despite the efforts of the healthcare professionals, the boy succumbed to his injuries on Sunday.

Residents of the area were gripped by a mix of sorrow and fear following the news of the infant’s death – a chilling reminder of their daily ordeal with the stray dog menace. The boy’s grieving parents, who hail from Mahabubnagar district located in the same state of Telangana, are left to mourn the death of their child – a loss that has reverberated through the hearts of the local community.

In a swift response to the catastrophic event, local authorities deployed a team to capture the stray dogs in the vicinity, abiding by the established guidelines. Approximately 20 canines were rounded up, and upon examination, all were found to have been previously sterilized. The measures taken to control the population by sterilization indicate an ongoing effort to manage the stray dog problem that poses risks to the residents. However, the captured dogs were subsequently released back into the environment, raising questions and concerns regarding the effectiveness of the strategies employed to prevent such attacks.

The death of this young boy sheds light upon a dire public safety issue that confronts inhabitants of Hyderabad. The city’s struggle with stray dog population control, despite sterilization initiatives, continues to result in tragic confrontations between humans and animals sharing the urban space. This latest incident is a stark reminder of the need for comprehensive and effective measures to safeguard the communities, especially the most vulnerable members like the youngest of children, against the hazards posed by street canines.

The local authorities find themselves under increased pressure to roll out stringent policies and to review their approach towards stray dog management. There is a call for both immediate and long-range solutions aimed at preventing further tragedies and ensuring a safer environment for all residents. As the city mourns the loss of an innocent life, the incident serves as a sobering catalyst for action against the continuing threat of stray dog attacks in Hyderabad.