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Hrithik Roshan Breaks Silence on Kangana Ranaut Slap Controversy: Fans React

Kangana Ranaut was reportedly assaulted by a CISF guard named Kulwinder Kaur at Chandigarh Airport on Thursday afternoon. The incident has stirred significant controversy and has now become a focal point for discussions on social media. Ranaut was en route to New Delhi following her victory in the Lok Sabha elections from Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi constituency when the altercation took place.

The CISF woman constable, Kulwinder Kaur, who allegedly slapped the actress, has been suspended from duty. Furthermore, an FIR has been lodged against her based on a complaint from CISF officials. Another complaint has also been filed by CISF to the local police authorities, amplifying the already tense situation.

In the meantime, actor Hrithik Roshan, who himself has been embroiled in controversies with Kangana Ranaut in the past, expressed his reaction to the event in a subtle yet supportive manner. Hrithik ‘liked’ a social media post that strongly condemned the act of violence against the actress. This seemingly small gesture by the actor did not go unnoticed.

Noted independent journalist Faye D’Souza was vocal in her condemnation of the incident. She articulated a powerful message on social media, stating, “With reference to the incident of MP Kangana Ranaut being slapped at an airport, violence can never be the answer. Especially not in our country that was born out of Gandhi’s ideals of non-violence. It doesn’t matter how much we disagree with views and statements made by someone, we cannot react with violence and we should not condone it. It is particularly dangerous when security personnel react violently while in uniform. Imagine, over the last ten years, if those of us who questioned power were assaulted at airports by constables who were in agreement with that power.”

Hrithik’s reaction went viral on Reddit and other social media platforms, garnering a plethora of comments from fans and netizens alike. Many praised Hrithik Roshan for what they saw as empathetic and generous conduct. One Reddit user commented, “This guy’s one supremely large-hearted man. Glad for him that he’s found his happiness.

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. People this generous always do.” Another added, “Omg Hrithik.. you have like the biggest heart in Bollywood the sweetest guy for a reason.” A third chimed in, simply stating, “Hrithik is a good human being.”

The actress at the center of the incident, Kangana Ranaut, did not remain silent either. On Saturday, she took to Twitter to share a lengthy post. In her tweet, she emphasized that any individual who condones one form of assault might also be condoning more severe crimes like rape or murder. She wrote, “Every rapist, murderer or thief always have a strong emotional, physical, psychological or financial reason to commit a crime, no crime ever happens without a reason, yet they are convicted and sentenced to jail. If you are aligned with the criminals’ strong emotional impulse to commit a crime violating all laws of the land, remember if you are ok with breaking into someone’s intimate zone, without their permission touching their bodies and assaulting them then deep down you are ok with rape or murder also because that’s also just penetration or stab only; what a big deal. You must look deeper into your psychological criminal tendencies.”

Additionally, Kangana advised her followers not to harbor negative emotions such as grudge, hate, and jealousy. She elaborated, “I suggest please take up yoga and meditation or else life will become a bitter and burdensome experience, don’t carry so much grudge, hate and jealousy please, free yourself.”

The incident has thus sparked a broader conversation regarding violence, especially by individuals in positions of authority, and the appropriate responses to differing viewpoints. The reactions from the public, celebrities, and officials reveal a collective struggle to balance the principles of free speech, security, and non-violence in an increasingly polarized society.

As investigations continue and more details emerge, all eyes are now on how the involved authorities and individuals will navigate the aftermath of this controversial incident.

The public discourse around this event underscores a significant concern about the ethical conduct of security officials and the broader implications of condoning or condemning acts of violence, especially towards public figures.

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