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Insight into Minha Kim’s Return: ‘Pachinko’ Season Two and the Journey of Sunja

When the second season of “Pachinko” opens, we are immediately transported to a bustling marketplace in Osaka, where Minha Kim’s character, Sunja, is fervently calling out to passersby. Before we even see her, her voice resonates through the market, persuading the crowd to sample her kimchi, with the poignant invitation, “Come, get a taste of home.”

For Minha Kim, this scene marks a significant milestone in her acting journey. Back in 2021, as she commenced filming for the first season of “Pachinko,” it was just her second professional acting role and her debut in an American production. Tasked with bringing to life the central figure from Min Jin Lee’s revered novel “Pachinko,” Kim faced the challenging but thrilling endeavor of portraying Sunja, a character navigating the complex tapestry of love, loss, and resilience that spans four generations.

Minha Kim’s performance in the first season was met with critical acclaim, resulting in a nomination for a Gotham Award for Outstanding Performance in a New Series and an accolade as Breakout in TV at the 2022 Asian American Awards’ Unforgettable Gala. Earlier this year, she also starred in the music video for “Come Back to Me,” a song by RM of BTS, showcasing her versatile talents.

As Kim returns for the second season, she approached her character with the same authenticity and dedication, even as the show made a notable time jump. In an exclusive interview with The Hindu, she discussed her process and how the time leap influenced her portrayal. “The most important part for me is to feel genuinely and authentically,” Kim remarked. “A time jump meant I had to retain Sunja’s core personality while building her story further.”

Set in 1945 war-torn Osaka, the second season of “Pachinko” finds Sunja more mature and weighed down by numerous responsibilities. Her husband is missing, possibly imprisoned, she has two young sons to care for, and resources are scarce. Sunja’s connection to her homeland, now under Japanese occupation, is tenuously preserved in her homemade kimchi and the Korean language she speaks with her children.

Director Leanne Welham praised Minha Kim’s nuanced performance as Sunja, highlighting her intelligence and intuition. “It’s challenging to step into a second season and embody a character like Sunja with the depth and experience she does, without it feeling heavy,” Welham noted. “Minha has a luminance on camera that is exceptional and delightful to work with.”

In addition to Welham, the new season’s directorial credits include Arvin Chen and Sang-il Lee, with the narrative unfolding in Japanese, Korean, and English.

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. Kim’s dedication to her role is evident as she remains acutely conscious of bringing variety to her portrayal. “While Sunja shoulders great responsibilities, for her, it’s an act of love. Her emotional turmoil and her approach to extraordinary circumstances were always on my mind,” she explained.

Through the unfolding storyline, Sunja faces numerous decisions that impact her family’s survival and future. “Even when Sunja is momentarily confused, she never stays lost for long. She realizes there’s no right or wrong – just the need to protect her family and herself,” Kim reflected. This, she admitted, required adding layers to Sunja’s character, ensuring her portrayal wasn’t one-dimensional. “I aimed to bring diversity to my emotions and to her relationships with other characters,” she added.

As a significant time jump takes place, Sunja’s sons grow to eight and thirteen years old, and she finds support in her sister-in-law, Kyunghee. The enigmatic Koh Hansu, played by Lee Min-ho, also reenters Sunja’s life, drawing out their tumultuous past.

The ensemble cast featuring Jung Eun-chae, Steve Sanghyun Noh, Jin Ha, and the legendary Youn Yuh-jung brings depth to the series. Kim expressed admiration for her fellow actors. “They are incredible talents, and our discussions about our characters and their relationships were extensive. However, we mostly relied on our instincts and trusted each other,” she shared.

As anticipation builds for the premiere of “Pachinko” Season 2, the camaraderie among the cast is evident. Actor Lee Min-ho recently delighted fans with Instagram photos of him and Kim in New York, captioned cheekily as “hansu & sunja in newyork.” Kim fondly remembered their off-camera time, mentioning that the cast’s closeness translated well on set.

Season 2 of “Pachinko” is set to premiere on Apple TV+ on August 23, promising to deliver another poignant and enthralling chapter in the saga of Sunja and her family’s enduring legacy.