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Jagannath Panda’s art is beyond realms of predictable vision

In an alluring union of the abstract with the corporeal, Jagannath Panda, a Delhi-based artist, orchestrates an artistic odyssey that delves into the dichotomy of natural and contrived habitats. His exhibition, Echoes of Unfathomed Worlds, on display at the Vadehra Art Gallery, propels art enthusiasts into a realm where the conventional cohabitation of people and wildlife is juxtaposed with the relentless encroachment of urban development. Drawing upon elements of belief, culture, and form, Panda’s imaginative works seek to dissect the nuances of day-to-day existence through a constructive lens of deconstruction.

Meticulously crafted, each of Jagannath Panda’s pieces presents as a mélange of materials and musings. His eclectic assemblages bring together mediums as disparate as papier mâché, fabric, rice paper, and auto paint, merged with reclaimed relics from his environment, including his child’s toys and fragments of forgotten literature. These enigmatic canvases not only spotlight the tactile interplay of varying substances but also become vessels through which the viewers are invited to unlock and explore unperceived dimensions and paradigms.

At the heart of Panda’s exhibition, one finds a captivating approach to creation, marked by the deliberate induction of discord within his subjective tableaus. They are repositories of his memories, philosophical insights, and intricate details—all elements that collectively challenge spectators’ perceptions. The artist’s work aims to push the limits on established imaginations and conventional realities, urging a reevaluation of what we perceive as objective truth.

With over two dozen works on display, Echoes of Unfathomed Worlds encompasses a range of mediums, from expansive canvases to photographs and intricate mixed media installations. Jagannath Panda’s art unabashedly challenges traditional artistic mores concerning composition and symmetry, with collisions of figures and objects set in motion across vibrant color palettes that draw the eye and captivate the spirit.

Throughout his canvases, viewers will witness a dynamic expansion and transformation of forms juxtaposed against each other, fusing divergent universes in concurrent development. This seamless blend erases the boundaries between different realms of artistry, be it art versus craft or one medium juxtaposed with another.

Consider, for example, one of the focus pieces, wherein Panda incorporates photographs of Odissi dancers engaged in their craft. To this vibrant tableau, he adds an eclectic mix of materials including wood, auto paint, and fabric. The effect is arresting; the viewer is presented with a frozen moment teeming with life, demanding undivided attention.

Regarding his artistic synthesis, Panda himself enlightens us, “I strive to convey a harmonious fusion of diverse elements to afford the viewers an experience that is multidimensional.” This melding is not simply visual but conceptual, creating a “collision of colors” that not only piques curiosity but also fosters a deeper recognition of the inherent beauty in diversity.

Premjish Achari, curator, writer, and filmmaker, shares his perception of Panda’s work: “There is a merging of several realities, his works are like a living sensation, stirring up profound depths about the world we live in and the universe.” These echoes resonate powerfully within the gallery space.

The Echoes of Unfathomed Worlds exhibition is a testament to the stirring possibilities of mixed media artistry. Through the orchestration of diverse elements – both tangible and abstract – Panda challenges viewers to venture beyond their vision, inspiring an exploration of uncharted territories and unfathomable realities.

The show currently graces the walls of Vadehra Art Gallery, located at D-53 Defence Colony, and will run until January 19, open daily from 10 am to 6 pm. Those longing for an artistic journey that transcends the ordinary should not miss the opportunity to immerse themselves in Jagannath Panda’s Echoes of Unfathomed Worlds.