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Lara Dutta Gracefully Addresses Online Body Shaming and Ageist Trolls

In an industry where appearance is often scrutinized, former Miss Universe and Bollywood actor Lara Dutta Bhupathi stands as a beacon of composure and positivity. Talking candidly about her interactions with online trolls, she shared her perspective on handling unsolicited and sometimes hateful comments, emphasizing her focus on authenticity over chasing social media statistics.

Despite boasting a dedicated Instagram following of 1.3 million fans, Lara Dutta downplayed the significance of these numbers, explaining that her selective posting approach has been strategic in keeping her mental space free from the noise of naysayers. Her social media presence is a curated reflection of moments and messages she truly wishes to share with her audience, which she describes as “authentically genuine people that want to be there.”

The conversation took a deeper dive when Dutta was asked about her method in dealing with detractors and their criticisms, particularly when faced with offensive remarks about her physical appearance or age. Dutta responded with a blend of grace and wisdom, highlighting that the opinions of others, especially those hiding behind anonymity, have little impact on her life and well-being. “It’s their right to have an opinion,” she remarked, “and they will say something to you. A lot of people say, ‘arrey buddhi ho gayi (She has become old)’, ‘arrey moti ho gayi (She is now fat).’ Is it really going to make a difference in my life? It doesn’t.”

Her empathetic stance recognizes that the individuals behind such comments may be battling their own inner turmoil, and therefore, she chooses not to respond with judgment. This philosophy allows her to navigate the complex landscape of social media with a sense of peace and detachment from the negativity that may come her way.

Dutta, who has graced the film industry with her performances for over two decades, maintains a balanced life beyond the glitz and glamour. She is married to internationally renowned tennis player Mahesh Bhupathi, and together they parent their 12-year-old daughter Saira. Embracing the evolving nature of the entertainment business, Dutta has recently taken her talent to streaming platforms, marking her presence in the digital space with the web series “Hundred” on Disney+ Hotstar and the thriller “Hiccups & Hookups” on Lionsgate Play.

Lara Dutta’s career continues to flourish with an exciting lineup of projects ahead. She is part of the ensemble cast in the comedy “Welcome to The Jungle,” providing fans with a glimpse into her versatility as an actor. Additionally, she is set to appear in esteemed director Nitesh Tiwari’s ambitious project “Ramayana,” expected to be a grand cinematic experience.

While Dutta’s achievements and projects are noteworthy, it is her response to the culture of online trolling that resonates profoundly. Her approach serves as a testament to her strength and resilience, elements that have defined her career and personal life. Her stance not only offers an example for public figures navigating the digital age but also serves as a reminder to individuals across the globe to prioritize self-worth and positivity in the face of adversity.

Reflecting on her journey from a beauty queen to a seasoned actress and a role model mother, Dutta’s story is not just about tackling trolls but also about the transformative power of self-assurance and a grounded perspective in a world where external validation is often fleeting. Her poise and self-respect in coping with disparaging remarks establish her as an inspiration to many, exemplifying how to maintain dignity in the face of undue criticism.