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On-Set Collision Injures Crew Members During Filming of Eddie Murphy’s Latest Movie ‘The Pickup’

An unexpected and unfortunate incident occurred on the Georgia set of the much-anticipated Eddie Murphy film “The Pickup,” produced by Amazon MGM Studios. While filming a scene, a car and a truck collided, leading to injuries among several crew members, two of whom required hospitalization, as confirmed by the studio and a well-informed source.

On Saturday, during a sequence that was supposed to be part of the film’s magic, something went awry, causing the accident. Despite the rigor of rehearsals and the strict adherence to safety protocols, as the studio spokesperson pointed out in a statement to The Associated Press on Tuesday, the unexpected still happened. The injuries, as reported by a source close to the production, ranged from minor bruises to more severe ones like broken bones. By Tuesday, one crew member was still in the hospital, but all injured parties are expected to recover fully.

The incident transpired in a location just outside of Atlanta, where a truck, seemingly having locked up, collided with a car. This account comes from an anonymous source, which AP respected, given their lack of clearance for public discussion.

The impact of the incident was felt even though high-profile cast members, including Eddie Murphy himself, Keke Palmer, and Pete Davidson, were not present on the set at that time. The unfortunate occurrence took place while a second unit — typically responsible for shooting less central scenes without the main actors or director — was at work.

The studio expressed their commitment to supporting those recovering and pointed out that their immediate concern was for the injured crew members. They reiterated the importance of safety on set, assuring that all precautions were in place and monitored during the production.

Further details concerning the accident’s specifics and the injured crew members’ roles on set were not provided by the studio. However, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, representing most film workers, acknowledged the incident. They announced the initiation of an inquiry into the accident, although they have not yet disclosed further particulars.

Directed by Tim Story, well-regarded for his work on “Barbershop” (2002) and “Fantastic Four” (2005), “The Pickup” has been filming in and around Atlanta since February 20th. As of now, there is no official release date for the movie, but despite the mishap, no significant delays in the production schedule are anticipated.

These types of incidents serve as a sobering reminder of the risks that film crews often face, even when elaborate safety measures are in place. Such occurrences point to the inherently uncertain nature of film production, where even well-planned scenes can result in unforeseen consequences.

In the broader perspective of the cinema industry, safety on sets has been a growing topic of concern. Advocacy for improved working conditions and stricter safety enforcement has become more vocal, especially following accidents of high gravity. Although the circumstances here do not seem to have been life-threatening, it underscores the never-ending need for vigilance regarding safety protocols in the cinematic landscape.

Filming will continue for “The Pickup,” and all eyes will be on the measures taken to prevent any further issues. As for the injured crew members, messages of support and wishes for a swift recovery have echoed throughout the film community, a testament to the strong solidarity among its members even in the face of adversity.