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Rajniesh Duggall Emphasizes the Indelible Influence of Women on His Journey

Rajniesh Duggall, the acclaimed Indian actor, became introspective as International Women’s Day loomed around the corner, using this moment to speak out about the indelible impression the women in his life have made on his personal and professional journey. Duggall, recognized for his diverse roles in film and television, laid bare his emotional connection and appreciation while contemplating the essence of womanhood and its celebration.

“With a heart filled with gratitude, I ponder over the integral role the women have played in my life,” stated Duggall. “The belief that each day should be regarded as Women’s Day resonates deeply with me; it’s a sentiment reflective of love and reverence for the women closest to me – from my mother, my steadfast wife Pallavee, to my daughter Teeyaa, extending to the professional bonds with my PR team and colleagues at Weirdough,” he said with emphasis.

On a global scale, he recognized that International Women’s Day harnesses unity, providing a platform that encourages women everywhere to excel and pursue their dreams with dedication and confidence. “There is an undeniable sense of empowerment and communal pride that this day signifies, which should be acknowledged consistently, not just annually,” Duggall noted.

In a memoire of inspiration, Duggall paid homage to the vital figures who have influenced his life. “The journey of my development and growth is dotted with powerful women, starting with my mother, an inexhaustible source of inspiration and my maiden guru,” he recalls fondly. “My Massi, with her zest for life; my Nani and Chaiji, women of indomitable spirit and grace, embodied the divine energy of Shakti for me,” he elaborated, his affection palpable.

As Duggall traversed the corridors of his education, he encountered several educators—Mrs. Nag, Meeta Ma’am, Puri Ma’am, and Uma Ma’am—who left an indelible mark on his educational and moral constitution. Post-academic life introduced him to Ms. Rashmi Virmani and Mrs. Sonia Swami, both of whom he admires for their mentoring and inspiring energy. Among these influential figures, he singles out his wife Pallavee, who stands as a pillar of discipline, epitomizing the perfect harmony of sacred feminine aspects – Shakti, Saraswati, and Lakshmi Ji.

In the context of media and entertainment, Duggall voiced a profound sentiment regarding its potential to foster women’s empowerment and erase long-held stereotypes. “Our narrative expressions, be it through cinema, television, or more recently OTT platforms, have been at the forefront of spurring societal transformation, encouraging audiences with stories of empowerment and egalitarianism,” stated Duggall.

The actor underscored his personal investment in a project titled “Pahal,” aiming at rape prevention, highlighting the entertainment industry’s resolve to confront and address pivotal social concerns. “It is a testament to how the media can actively contribute to significant societal changes and awakening,” he suggested.

As the world prepares to celebrate International Women’s Day, Rajniesh Duggall’s contemplations echo the importance of cherishing the contributions of women. His narrative is representative of a collective consciousness that honors and uplifts women, advocating for their recognition not just on this day, but every day. Through his reflections and recognition of the extraordinary women in his life, he calls attention to the importance of acknowledging and fostering the growth and empowerment of women across the globe, not only within personal circles but within the broader societal framework as well.