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Saiee M Manjrekar Reveals Tabu’s Profound Impact on Her Role in ‘Auron Mein Kaha Dum Tha’

Bollywood is buzzing with anticipation as Saiee M Manjrekar prepares to take on the challenging role of playing the younger version of Tabu’s character in the upcoming film ‘Auron Mein Kaha Dum Tha’. This remarkable opportunity has allowed Saiee to receive invaluable guidance from the esteemed actress Tabu, enriching her journey in the film industry.

Saiee M Manjrekar, daughter of renowned filmmaker and actor Mahesh Manjrekar, finds herself stepping into colossal shoes as she embodies the younger version of Tabu’s character, Vasu, in the film directed by Neeraj Pandey. Known for her poignant and powerful performances, Tabu has left an indelible mark on Saiee, who has admired her since childhood. The young actress’s reverence for Tabu is evident as she opens up about how watching Tabu’s movies became an integral part of her upbringing.

“Growing up, my father would always praise Tabu’s exemplary talent and advise me to learn from her work. He genuinely believed she was the best actress of her generation, often telling me, ‘If you want to learn acting, watch Tabu’s films.’ As a result, I immersed myself in her performances, studying her nuanced portrayals and the depth she brought to her roles,” shared Saiee.

This deep-rooted admiration transformed into a professional learning experience when Saiee was cast in ‘Auron Mein Kaha Dum Tha’. The role became a blend of aspiration and reality as she had the unique opportunity to work closely with her idol. “When the chance came to play the younger version of Tabu ma’am’s character, Vasu, I felt like I had manifested it in some way. I’m extremely grateful for the guidance she provided, especially in reading out dialogues and perfecting the tone for delivery. It was a dream come true,” Saiee said passionately.

Tabu’s influence on Saiee’s performance was profound. The veteran actress didn’t just offer general advice; she became a mentor, coaching Saiee on the subtleties of dialogue delivery and character embodiment. “Tabu ma’am would take time to sit with me, reading and rehearsing lines. Her approach was meticulous, and she made sure I understood the importance of every nuance. This mentorship has significantly shaped my portrayal of Vasu,” Saiee explained.

The collaboration between the two actresses also encapsulates a beautiful narrative of two generations coming together in a single frame.

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. Saiee feels a deep connection with Tabu, not just as an audience member but now as a collaborator in bringing a layered character to life. “I’ve been taking cues and inspiration from her, and it has been an enriching experience. My father always spoke highly of his time working with Tabu in ‘Astitva’, praising her natural talent and dedication. It’s surreal to have this opportunity,” she added.

The mentorship provided by Tabu is more than just professional advice; it echoes the dreams Saiee harbored while growing up. Watching Tabu’s movies was not just a pastime but a masterclass in acting. “The chance to work with someone I had only admired from a distance is priceless. Tabu ma’am’s words and presence have left a lasting impression on me, elevating my performance and deepening my understanding of the craft,” expressed Saiee.

The film ‘Auron Mein Kaha Dum Tha’, directed by Neeraj Pandey, is eagerly awaited by fans and critics alike. The project also boasts a stellar cast including Ajay Devgn and Shantanu Maheshwari, promising a compelling cinematic experience when it releases in theatres on July 5. The involvement of such remarkable talent has only heightened the anticipation surrounding the release.

Saiee M Manjrekar’s journey in the film has been significantly molded by Tabu’s guidance, adding a layer of mentorship that transcends typical co-star interactions. The bond they share is a testament to the impact seasoned actors can have on the upcoming generation, illustrating a beautiful cycle of learning and inspiration in the world of cinema.

As the release date approaches, audiences eagerly await to see the synergy between the younger and older versions of Vasu, portrayed by Saiee and Tabu, respectively. The film is not just a new release but a culmination of dreams, hard work, and heartfelt mentorship. For Saiee, this experience is a cornerstone in her burgeoning career, imbued with the wisdom and grace imparted by one of Bollywood’s finest.

In conclusion, Saiee M Manjrekar’s portrayals and admiration for Tabu illuminate the path for young actors in the industry, proving that passion, dedication, and the right guidance can create unforgettable cinema. The beauty of ‘Auron Mein Kaha Dum Tha’ lies not only in its storyline but also in the heartfelt journey of its actors, making it a must-watch this season.