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Salman Khan’s artwork can now be owned find out how

In an unprecedented move that is sure to stir the hearts of art lovers and fans alike, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is transcending the silver screen to share his visual art with the world. Known primarily for his illustrious career in Indian cinema, Khan is now set to make his personal collection of artwork available for public acquisition, allowing admirers not only to appreciate but also to own a fragment of his artistic expression.

With Artfi’s groundbreaking platform for art collection, the works of Salman Khan will become accessible to global audiences through an inventive model of fractional ownership. This is indeed a remarkable pivot for Khan, who has continually showcased his multifaceted talents, ranging from acting to philanthropy, and now to painting—an avocation rooted in a love for the visual arts.

For the inaugural venture into this new domain, Khan has selected his significant diptych, “Unity 1” and “Unity 2,” symbolizing India’s rich tapestry of diversity, camaraderie, and mutual esteem. These paintings have been divided into 10,000 shares, enabling enthusiasts from every corner of the globe to partake in the joy of owning a piece of this artistic homage to unity.

“Unity 2,” one half of the diptych created in 2022, executed in acrylic on canvas, measures 152.5 x 76 cm. This work, along with its counterpart “Unity 1,” encapsulates the ethos that has made Salman Khan a cultural icon beyond his cinematic persona—his passion for reflecting the intrinsic values of Indian society through his art.

Speaking on this personal and groundbreaking journey into the world of art sharing, Salman Khan expressed his heartfelt enthusiasm for the collaboration with Artfi. He envisions this alliance as a conduit to bringing his creative visions closer to the hearts and homes of people everywhere, helping fans and art collectors alike to engage with and be part of his artistic sojourn.

In the company of Khan’s offerings, Artfi has also consigned an extraordinary $25 million worth of art from eminent artists, including masterpieces by V. S. Gaitonde and Ram Kumar, who are recognized figures in Indian contemporary art. Adding to this illustrious line-up is Sacha Jafri, an artist of global renown who holds the prestigious record for painting the world’s largest canvas, as recognized by the Guinness World Records.

This eclectic mix, showcasing works from different realms of the art spectrum, reflects the diverse and dynamic nature of modern art culture. This initiative is not merely about ownership, but rather about fostering a deeper connection between artists and the global community that admires them. Salman Khan’s leap into the art scene with Artfi signifies a unique approach that democratizes art ownership and invites a broader participation in the cultural dialogue his works inspire.

Salman Khan, a name synonymous with blockbuster films and television shows in India, has long been admired for his numerous roles both on and off the screen. His philanthropic efforts are well-documented, resonating with the noble themes often portrayed in his artworks. As he steps into this new role as an artist opening his personal gallery to the public, Khan continues to break boundaries and redefine what it means to be an artist in the modern era.

By aligning with Artfi, Salman Khan underscores his commitment to making art more inclusive and accessible. It is an opportunity for fans to become collaborators in his vision, to share in the beauty he captures on canvas, and to hold a tangible connection to the inconspicuous side of an actor who has achieved so much. Therein lies the essence of this initiative—a chance to bring the world together, one painting at a time.