For months leading up to the release, anticipation surrounding Kalki 2898 AD had reached fever pitch, marking it as one of the biggest Indian films in recent years. With its plot rooted in episodes from the Mahabharata and set in a dystopian future, the intrigue around its story and setting was immense. The potential for leaks was correspondingly high, a fact well understood by director Nag Ashwin. In an exclusive interview with DNA, actor Anil George, who portrays Councillor Baani in the blockbuster, divulges how the team meticulously prevented leaks and shares his experience working alongside cinematic legends.
Anil George’s role as Baani is pivotal to the film’s narrative and the rebirth of divine power, a moment that climaxes the film. Reflecting on the extreme measures taken to maintain secrecy on set and during production, George recounts, “My character has a distinctive tattoo on his right arm. To ensure it remained under wraps, my entire appearance was kept secret, even on set. If I needed to walk a mere hundred yards to my vanity van, I was shielded with a gown. This strict protocol applied to Kamal Haasan ji as well. Anyone stepping onto the set had to surrender their phone and camera.”
In a further testament to the stringent confidentiality measures, George reveals that most actors did not receive scripts in advance, primarily to minimize the chances of leaks. “I didn’t even have the complete script,” admits George. “I was given only my scenes, and even then, just rough drafts of my dialogues. Many actors didn’t receive dialogues at all. Given my language challenges, I insisted on at least getting my lines. But Nagi (Nag Ashwin) is known for his improvisational style, and scenes would often be revised on the fly. It added a layer of excitement to the process.”
Much of George’s screen time is spent interacting with the characters portrayed by Saswata Chatterjee and Kamal Haasan. Sharing his experience of working with the legendary Haasan, George recalls, “I had the opportunity to both shoot with him and interact with him off-camera.
. It was an exhilarating experience. Due to the confidentiality, whenever he would be on set, most of the crew would be asked to leave. However, a few of us, including myself, were permitted to stay. Shooting scenes with him was truly unforgettable.”
Kalki 2898 AD also features an ensemble cast including Amitabh Bachchan, Prabhas, and Deepika Padukone, alongside a substantial supporting cast. Speaking on his position within this distinguished ensemble, George expresses gratitude towards director Nag Ashwin. “Nag Ashwin exhibited immense faith in me. When you think about it, having Amitabh Bachchan and Kamal Haasan in the same film and still trusting me with a significant role speaks volumes about his confidence in my abilities. I am forever grateful for this trust.”
Released in theaters less than three weeks ago, Kalki 2898 AD has garnered positive reviews, notwithstanding minor critiques about its length and pace. However, audiences have embraced the film enthusiastically, evident from its impressive Rs 1000-crore worldwide gross. It stands as the highest-grossing Indian film of the year by a substantial margin and is on track to rank among the top-grossing films ever.
The production’s success can largely be attributed to the well-maintained secrecy and the collaborative effort of the cast and crew. The stringent measures to prevent leaks, including restricted script access and rigorous on-set protocols, significantly contributed to keeping the plot and nuances of the characters under wraps until the film’s official release. Such practices ensured that fans experienced the story in its intended form, free from spoilers and unauthorized disclosures.
Anil George’s appreciation for the environment cultivated by Nag Ashwin underscores the camaraderie and mutual respect shared among the team, a factor that likely played a crucial role in the film’s success. As Kalki 2898 AD continues to shatter box office records and amass critical acclaim, it sets a new benchmark for Indian cinema in terms of both content and production integrity.
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