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Twinkle Khanna Refutes Absurd Performance Rumours Linked to Underworld Don Dawood Ibrahim

In a bold move to quash persisting rumors, Twinkle Khanna has taken a firm stand against claims that she performed at parties organized by underworld kingpin, Dawood Ibrahim. The former Bollywood actress, a successful columnist, and wife of superstar Akshay Kumar, vehemently denied allegations of her ties with the illicit figure that have surfaced over the years. This denial comes amidst a climate where celebrities frequently find their names embroiled in controversy due to the proliferation of unverified news stories.

It was in 2010 when murmurs within certain factions of the media began suggesting Twinkle Khanna had been seen at gatherings hosted by Dawood. Over a decade later, these baseless rumors have resurfaced, compelling Twinkle to address the issue head-on. Her response was not confined merely to outright dismissal; rather, she confronted the absurdity of these claims with a touch of her renowned wit.

In a pointed article for the Times of India, Khanna confronted the issue saying, “We have already witnessed a spate of manipulated news stories, from the morphed pictures that showed the Phogats smiling during the wrestler’s protests, to uncountable stories about the origin of the coronavirus.”

The sarcasm was palpable as Twinkle Khanna underlined the absurdity, jesting about her own dancing prowess, or lack thereof, through a humorous comparison to a wrestling match. “Considering that even my children think my dancing skills are akin to watching a WWF match between a lone wrestler and gravity,” she remarked, “the news channels should have known that Dawood would have chosen more skilled performers.”

Khanna’s pointed barbs were aimed squarely at the creators and circulators of what she deems “fake news,” highlighting a significant issue in modern media – the dissemination of false information, which often leads to public misperceptions about public figures.

Aside from Twinkle’s firm statements disassociating herself from the notorious gangster, the article also touched upon her husband Akshay Kumar’s personal history. During an episode of The Ranveer Show podcast, Kumar had candidly shared insights from his life pre-Twinkle. He recounted his coping mechanisms for handling breakups, revealing a martial artist’s approach towards channeling emotional turmoil into physical exercise.

Any break-up engendered a disciplined response from Kumar as he highlighted, “Whenever I had a breakup, which happened two or three times, I used to exercise more. Channelise it. There was so much anger; it had to be channelized.”

Previously linked with Bollywood stars like Raveena Tandon and Shilpa Shetty before finally tying the knot with Khanna in 2001, Akshay Kumar reflected on how he immersed himself in workouts and increased food intake as his means of getting through heartache. This approach was his unique martial arts-tempered way of navigating the challenging terrain of personal loss and emotional recovery.

Twinkle Khanna and Akshay Kumar’s union has endured for over two decades, debunking many a skeptic’s predictions about the longevity of relationships in the glam-lit corridors of Bollywood. They have since built a life together, becoming proud parents to two children, Aarav and Nitara.

The couple’s prominence in Bollywood and beyond makes them frequent targets for rumors and gossip, which they have navigated with grace and humor. Twinkle Khanna’s strong refutation of the preposterous claim that she performed at Dawood Ibrahim’s parties is emblematic of her resolve to stand up against the spread of misinformation about her life and character. As both Khanna and Kumar continue to shine in their respective fields, they remind the public that while they may be stars, they are fiercely protective of their personal integrity and the truth.