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Unveiling the World of Yoga: A Guide by Bollywood’s Coveted Trainer

Sarvesh Shashi, a renowned yoga trainer to many Bollywood celebrities, recently shed light on various forms of yoga and their unique purposes. For years, Shashi has been guiding figures like Malaika Arora in their wellness journeys through yoga. Here, he delves into the intricacies of different yoga styles, catering to a diverse set of needs and preferences.

**Hatha Yoga:**
To Shashi, Hatha Yoga is the cornerstone of all yoga practices. “In my opinion, this is the only ‘actual’ form of yoga. It is where yoga originated,” he asserts. Hatha, which translates to ‘force,’ focuses on the physical techniques designed to help practitioners conserve and channel their energy effectively. Shashi likens Hatha Yoga to the fundamental numbers one through nine, suggesting that every other form of yoga is a combination of these core practices. By focusing on alignment, posture, and controlled breathing, Hatha Yoga forms the basis upon which other styles build.

**Iyengar Yoga:**
Next on the list is Iyengar Yoga, celebrated for its therapeutic benefits, especially for those grappling with knee and back issues. Iyengar practitioners often use props like belts, blocks, and wall ropes to help them ease into each asana, or yoga pose. According to Shashi, this method is particularly helpful for healing from physical injuries. The precision and support provided by props enable even those with limited flexibility or physical challenges to practice yoga safely and effectively.

**Ashtanga Yoga:**
Ashtanga Yoga, known for its rigorous and dynamic nature, consists of multiple series of poses, including a variety of Suryanamaskar routines. Each class follows a specific pace and breathing technique, with movements flowing seamlessly into one another. “Ideally, no one talks during the class, and asanas are followed on counts,” Shashi explains. This practice isn’t for the faint-hearted. It tests one’s strength, stamina, and endurance, as practitioners are required to sustain continuous movement without breaks for up to 90 minutes.

**Yin Yoga:**
On the opposite end of the spectrum lies Yin Yoga, a restorative practice that contrasts sharply with the intensity of Ashtanga.

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. “This practice is often performed with pillows to help people sleep better,” notes Shashi. Yin Yoga involves holding postures for extended periods, allowing deep relaxation and stretching of the connective tissues. It is particularly beneficial for those seeking to enhance flexibility, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

**Sculpt Yoga:**
Combining strength training with traditional yoga poses, Sculpt Yoga is frequently chosen by athletes looking to enhance their overall physical condition. Practitioners incorporate dumbbells into their routines, making it a hybrid workout that targets both muscle toning and flexibility. Shashi emphasizes its effectiveness for body sculpting, as it mixes strength-building exercises with stretches, creating a well-rounded fitness regime.

The variations within yoga practices might seem overwhelming to some, but each comes with its distinct set of benefits tailored to the practitioner’s goals. Whether one seeks spiritual growth, physical healing, or a robust workout, yoga offers a comprehensive solution. Shashi’s insights provide a guide to navigating these choices, helping individuals select the practice that best aligns with their personal health and wellness needs.

For Bollywood stars like Malaika Arora, who have spent years under Shashi’s mentorship, the transformation through yoga is evident. Arora’s journey exemplifies the profound impact a suitable yoga practice can have on an individual’s life. From improved physical fitness to mental tranquility, the benefits of yoga are manifold.

Ultimately, the choice of which yoga practice to follow boils down to individual needs and preferences. Hatha Yoga stands as the foundational pillar, offering a broad spectrum of basics. Iyengar Yoga caters to those seeking a therapeutic approach, while Ashtanga challenges the adventurous with its vigorous routines. Yin Yoga provides a sanctuary for rest and relaxation, and Sculpt Yoga bridges the gap between strength training and flexibility.

Sarvesh Shashi’s expertise and dedication to the art of yoga underscore the importance of choosing the right practice. His guidance illuminates the vast landscape of yoga, inviting practitioners, both novice and seasoned, to explore and find their unique path to health and happiness.