Tamil actor Vikram Prabhu will soon be seen in his first Telugu film. The actor is debuting in Telugu cinema with Anushka’s comeback film Ghaati. On the occasion of the Kumki actor’s birthday, the makers released his first look from the film.
Director Krish Jagarlamudi took to social media to share the first look and in it, he mentioned that Vikram will be playing the role of Desi Raju.
Happy Birthday to the exceptional @iamVikramPrabhu garu 🎉 It’s been a privilege to witness ur transformation into the fierce n fearless #DesiRaju and can’t wait for the world to experience ur #GHAATI energy, fire n magic on April 18th, 2025. Stay Phenominal🔥 pic.twitter.com/M6UK7rWQoG
This comes after a promo video which was released in November last year. It featured Anushka Anushka in a fierce role, looking directly at the camera, as she beheads a man with a sickle. “A story of a woman who is a victim, a criminal and a legend,” reads the caption of the video.
Ghaati has a story written by Chintakindi Srinivas Rao and dialogues by Sai Madhav Burra. With music scored by Nagavelli Vidya Sagar, the film has art direction by Thota Tharrani, cinematography by Manojh Reddy Katasani, and editing by Chanakya Reddy Toorupu.
Produced by Rajeev Reddy and Sai Babu Jagarlamudi, the film is set to release in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada and Malayalam.
Notably, Ghaati marks the second collaboration between Anushka and director Krish Jagarlamudi, following their work on Vedam. Ghaati is all set to release in theatres on April 18.
Published – January 15, 2025 03:46 pm IST
Telugu cinema
Indian cinema