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Vince McMahon accused of sexual abuse by former WWE employee

A bombshell lawsuit has hit the professional wrestling world as a former WWE employee has filed a federal lawsuit accusing Vince McMahon, the company’s former CEO, and John Laurinaitis, another past executive, of sexual misconduct. The detailed 67-page claim was filed by Janel Grant, a former member of WWE’s legal and talent departments, in U.S. District Court in Connecticut, where the wrestling organization is headquartered.

Grant, in a move that breaks away from the norm, has decided to go public with her allegations—a decision highlighted by her attorney, Ann Callis, who stated, “Ms. Grant hopes that her lawsuit will prevent other women from being victimized.” The Associated Press typically refrains from naming individuals in sexual assault cases but has named Grant in this report based on her explicit consent.

According to the lawsuit, Grant alleges that her sexual involvement with McMahon was demanded as a condition for securing and maintaining her role with the company. It is further claimed that McMahon distributed pornographic pictures and videos of her to other men, including WWE personnel. Since these allegations parallel those in the lawsuit, McMahon’s departure from his CEO position in 2022 amid similar allegations comes into the spotlight.

The lawsuit also implicates WWE as a defendant alongside Ms. Grant’s allegations against Laurinaitis, who previously served as the WWE head of talent relations and assistant general manager. Laurinaitis’s role in the allegations is yet unclear except for his implication in the lawsuit.

TKO Group, WWE’s parent company, has since made a public statement on the matter, addressing the severity of the allegations and distancing the current management from McMahon. “While this matter pre-dates our TKO executive team’s tenure at the company, we take Ms. Grant’s horrific allegations very seriously and are addressing this matter internally,” the statement read. Subsequently, there was an attempt to reach McMahon and Laurinaitis for comment, but responses were not immediately forthcoming.

Revealed in the lawsuit is the assertion that McMahon, 78, resided in the same building as Grant and extended a helping hand to her with a job offer at WWE following the death of her parents in 2019. Over time, McMahon is accused of coercing Grant into a sexual relationship, followed by similar demands from Laurinaitis and others. In addition to these allegations, the suit claims that McMahon bestowed luxury gifts upon her, such as an expensive car, and shockingly offered her sexual services to one of WWE’s star wrestlers as a perk in 2021.

The lawsuit alleges that WWE profited from what was effectively deemed a “commercial sex act venture,” as McMahon used the plaintiff as a means to retain and satisfy wrestling talent. Amidst these grievous claims, Grant is seeking unspecified monetary damages and a court order to void a $3 million nondisclosure agreement. Out of this NDA, she claims only to have received $1 million.

Currently, Vince McMahon, once the leader and public face of WWE, is the chairman of the board for TKO Group Holdings, which was a result of a merger between WWE and the company running Ultimate Fighting Championship, creating a new corporate entity worth an estimated $21.4 billion. This conglomerate was formed in April of the preceding year, turning the sights of small-time local wrestling venues to major international sports entertainment.

As the legal process unfolds, the professional wrestling community and its global fanbase await the outcome and possible impact on one of its most influential figures and the iconic WWE name. This lawsuit’s resolution could potentially reshape the backstage culture of one of the most popular sports entertainment businesses in the world.